Monday, October 29, 2012

Nuggets Game, Baking, Potty Training & Neighborhood Friends

A few random things from our week…

Nuggets Game

Brandon’s best friend Travis called on Wednesday night saying he had 20 tickets to the Denver Nuggets Pre-Season Basketball game that were in a private suite and wanted to see if we wanted to go. Of course we jumped at the opportunity to go see an NBA Game in some awesome seats at no cost. The only thing was that the game didn’t start until 8pm which is normally bed time for the kids in our house. At any rate, we decided to live on the edge a little and go for it and let the kids have a wild night of extra late bedtime. So glad we did because we had a blast and the kids were SO well behaved. Since we had the entire suite to ourselves, when the kids needed to stretch their legs they were able to run around without disturbing any other fans, it was awesome. A HUGE HUGE thanks again to Travis for including us in such a fun night.


Travis, Owen, Autumn & Brandon enjoying the Basketball Game. Travis & Brandon have been Best Friends for many many years. We just love Travis, he is such an awesome person!




The kids had an absolute blast at the game, especially when daddy surprised them with a big bag of cotton candy :)


Pretty bad pic, but here are the kids and I in front of the Pepsi center after the game. We snuck out a little early because it was snowing and we weren’t sure how bad the roads would be, not to mention it was LATE.



Since everything and I mean everything is all about ‘pumpkin’ right now, the kids and I decided to bake up some Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bars the other day.


They both love to help me bake. We had a great time and boy were the bars delicious.


Potty Training

Since I am not sure I will ever get around to blogging about Autumn’s Potty Training Adventures, here is a small recap of what ours days look like…


Owen is SO awesome at encouraging Autumn through the process. So Sweet!


Neighborhood Friends

We have made really good friends with our next door neighbors, Bonnie & Chris. They are a really sweet family and have made us feel so welcome on our cul de sac. They have a 6 year old boy and a 3.5 year old daughter and the kids all get along great. So much that we find ourselves hanging out in the cul de sac together almost every afternoon. Bonnie and I talk each others ears off while the kids ride bikes/scooters/power wheels, play with side walk chalk, kick the soccer ball, anything they can think of. It is so wonderful having such great neighbors. Here are a few pictures of the kids playing with our good friends & neighbors.


Here is Autumn & Millea. They have a blast together. Autumn really likes hanging out with older kids so she always has a good time with Millea.


And here are the boys being boys. Even though Andrew is 2 years older then Owen, they have so many similar interests and could spend all day playing together.


That’s it for now, but I will be back very soon with some Halloween Fun from this past weekend :) As for now, my bed is calling my name. Bye!

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