Sunday, March 11, 2012

Wow. What a week!

Well, it has been exactly 1 week since we have been home from our trip to Colorado. I feel like I blinked and an entire week went by us. Between play days, school, babysitting, dentist appointments, laundry, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, and trying to sell this house and looking for a new one, I have barely had a second to breath. I will try and recap this past week day by day so here we go. Bare with me there are lots of pics so I will try and keep the jibber jabber to a minimum, but you know me, can’t make any promises there.


Monday we were basically exhausted from getting home from our trip at 2am so we mainly hung around the house, made  a quick trip to the store to stock up on the basics, unpacked, and tried to enjoy the great outdoors since it was such a beautiful day.


While Owen and Autumn were crusin’ the streets in their convertible mustang their good friends Linkin and Finnley stopped by to say hello!



Tuesday morning Brandon was off for his first day back to work after a short vacation and Owen had school. After Autumn and I  dropped Owen off at school we came home and invited my Sister and Abi over for a little play day. We have been wanting to get the girls together by themselves for some fun girl time. They are really loving playing together these days and they are a lot of fun to watch.

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Here are the girlies enjoying a nice lunch together.

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And here are some of the ridiculous faces Abi gives me when I ask her to say “cheese” or “smile”. She is hilarious!

After we picked Owen up and the kids took their naps we had Finnley and Linkin over for an afternoon play day. They all had a blast you will have to take my word though because I have no pictures. It was a fun day and the kids loved playing with their friends!


Boy o boy, Wednesday was a busy busy busy fun filled day. Lots of pictures so beware. One of my best friends Melissa is still solo with two of her three kids. Her poor husbands Father and Uncle passed away in the same week so he has been in Ohio with their middle daughter helping out his Mother for the past two weeks. Well Melissa is a Nanny for two kids and also has kids to take care of. Her oldest son is in 1st grade so with no husband here it has been quite a challenge for her to get him dropped off to school while having to load up three other kids just to take him. This is where I stepped in. Wednesday morning she dropped off her youngest and 1 of the other kids she watches to me so she could get Aiden off to school with out lugging all the little ones too. The kids had a blast…

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I absolutely love Aubryn. I am so glad her and Autumn get to grow up together!

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Modeling and kissing her Baby.

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Super adorable.

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And Extremely adorable!

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And Autumn is into ENERYTHING these days. Ugh!

So Melissa was gone about 45 min and then came back and hung out for a bit so the kids could continue playing since they were all having so much fun. After she left we loaded up and headed over to another play day we had planned. My sister’s good friend Piper was having a little mommy’s lunch get together and invited us to come too. Piper has a 3 month old little girl Charlotte who is absolutely adorable. My sis and Abi were there and also our very good friend Cammy. It was a super fun time and we had a really yummy Greek inspired lunch! Abi and Autumn played together, while Charlotte was napping and Owen got to have some fun on the iPad with the love of his life.


Abi and Autumn playing in a baby toy Abi handed down to charlotte. It is really meant for 1 baby to sit in but these two toddlers decided there was plenty of room for the both of them. Haha.


Left: Piper reading to Abi and Right: Owen and the love of his life Cammy.

So Owen is seriously in love with my sisters best friend Cammy. He gets really silly around her and talks about her non stop. He was so excited when he found out Cammy was going to be at Pipers house. He was attached to her hip the entire time. He even proposed to her. Hahaha. I am really proud my son has such good taste in women since she is absolutely gorgeous, I just hope he settles for someone a bit closer to his age. Lol.

After play time/mommy time and lunch we headed home because the kids really needed a nap. My sister followed me home because Wednesdays afternoons I watch Abi. My Brother in law works Wednesdays and my sister works nights so she needs to nap before heading to work so I get Abi. Yay. Luckily all three kids napped at the same time so I had a little down time before the chaos begins when they all get up. When they all woke up we loaded up and were off to run some errands. When we got home it was just about dinner time. My Brother-In-Law texted me to let me know he was on his way but we were having way too much fun so I asked to keep her. I told him I was kidnapping her and he could come get her before bedtime. I had a blast with the three of them!!

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Dinner time fun!

After dinner we all headed up stairs for bath time…

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As most things are with a 3.5 year old and two 1 year olds, bath time was quite interesting. Its lots of fun in the beginning but turns into an assembly line when washing, drying and lotioning needs to be done.

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So fresh and so clean!

Once Abi went home and the kids were in bed, I waited for Brandon to get home from helping with the youth group at church and I was off for a girls night with one of my best friends. Since Melissa had the house to her self once her kiddos were in bed we decided to curl up on her couch with a nice cup of hot tea and watch a chick flick. She hadn’t seen The Help yet so I brought it over for us to watch. We had a super fun time! Yay for mommy time. Once I got home I crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow. It was a looonnnngggg but super fun day!


Thursday morning Owen went to school while Brandon, Autumn and I went to an appointment and ran some errands. Once we picked up Owen we had some fun family time, ate lunch and the kids took their naps.

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After nap time we dropped Autumn at my parents and we were headed for Owen’s 3rd dentist appointment. He LOVES going to the dentist. Why?


Mainly because there is a movie theater in the waiting room…


A TV screen to watch another movie during the cleaning and he gets a treat bag. Why wouldn’t he love the dentist is the real question. Haha


He also thinks the water they spray on his teeth and the water sucker are pretty funny too! He had a great report and still no cavities to report!


Friday morning was pretty laid back.


Every once in a while we get one of the kids up a little early for some “special” snuggle time with Mommy and Daddy before breakfast. This particular morning was Owen’s turn! I just love these boys!!!!

Brandon and the kids went to the gym after breakfast while I enjoyed some nice quite time and then we went to Jason’s Deli for a family lunch. Yummy! That afternoon I got to go visit my very good friend Libby and her new Baby Reese in the hospital. She had her on Thursday around 8pm. She is sooooo precious. After that we all headed over to my parents house since we were kicked out of our house because we had a couple showings scheduled.


A huge inconvenience for my kids since they can’t stand their grandparents. Kidding. They had a BLAST!!! They get so spoiled at Nana & Pampo’s house.


I'm guessing was uneventful since I have no pictures and can’t remember what we did.


Went to church bright and early. After church my sister came over to watch the kids for me while Kaitlyn and I took Libby some lunch to the hospital. Poor baby Reese has a bad case of Jaundice so she has to stay in the hospital a little longer until it clears up, which we are praying hard it is really soon. As I know the hospital food can get really nasty after a few days we decided to treat Libby to a lunch of her choice. Plus it was just another really good excuse to go see the baby again!


Reese has to stay under the billi lights for 3 hours and then she can come out for 30 minutes. We timed it perfect and each got a chance to hold her. Reese loved the special time she got with Auntie Kaitlyn during feeding time! Welcome to the world sweet Reese Jilleanne Williams and a huge Congrats to Matt, Libby and big sister Cami!!!! We are so happy for you all. You have a beautiful family.

When I got home we finished up the kids lunches and then they were all off for their naps. My sister put Abi down at my house so we could have some nice quality, uninterrupted sister time. It was a great time. So thankful for such an awesome big sis! Once the kids were up and my sis and niece left the kids and I packed up to go look at some potential rental houses for us. While we were out driving around we passed a little park so I decided to stop off and give the kids a break from the car since it was such an beautiful day out.





Autumn is growing up so fast. She had no problems at all climbing the ladders at the park. She watched her big bro climb them and went right up to it and did it her self. Such determination in this little girl!


Well, I think that just about sums up our busy busy fun filled week. No rest in the burgess household for this coming week. Why? Spring break of course! And a super awesome forecast in store, High 60’s all week with no wind. I am seeing a lot of outdoor activities in our near future. Hooray!

One last quick thing. Please pray for us as we try very desperately to remove Pap-Pap (aka Autumn’s Pacifiers) from her life….


This melt down lasted for a full 2 hours! She was just crying for “Pap-pap” over and over and over. Poor kid! She may be stubborn but mama is also very stubborn!

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