Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Break 2012

I feel like I just blogged and I’m already back again with tons more pictures! Owen has been on Spring Break from school this week which means we have been having lots of Spring time fun! Spring in New Mexico usually means tons and tons of WIND. Not breezes, I am talking 40+ mph winds. Needless to say when it finally gets in the 60s and 70s we are usually stuck inside because it is so miserably windy you can barely walk outside without a face full of sand. Luckily for some strange reason the winds are running a little late which worked out perfectly for all the kids on Spring Break. So I think it pretty much goes without saying we have been spending almost every waking second outside soaking up all this amazing weather.


Monday morning we met my good friend Jess and her two kiddos Abby and Isaac at the zoo. With the extremely nice weather and all the public schools on break we were prepared for a bit of chaos but luckily it didn’t start getting really busy until we were just about ready to leave. Perfect timing! It was the perfect morning at the zoo and all four kids had a wonderful time.

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Abby and Owen find every opportunity possible to “pose'” for a picture. They are hilarious!

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I was a bit afraid Autumn was going to freak at the monkeys since she had a bad experience with the one at the Denver zoo, but she surprised me and did great!

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All the kids had to gather around to watch the train pass by. Equally as exciting as the animals!

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Here is Autumn waving to the polar bears and saying, “Hi Bear Bear, hi bear bear.” Too cute.

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Freedom to RUN!!!

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After the zoo we headed home for the kids to take their much needed naps from all the energy they burnt off at the zoo. After naps we decided to head to the park for some more outdoor fun…




The independence in this child is killing me. She must do EVERYTHING by herself!


Tuesday morning was equally as fun filled as Monday. A bit exhausting for me, but so worth it to give my kids a childhood full of fun filled memories! We woke up and headed to Chick-fil-a to meet on of my Best Friends, Melissa, and her three kiddos. It was so much fun watching the kids play. They had a blast. Take my word for it since I have no pictures for you. I was too focused on having some quality Mommy time with one of my BFFs. Melissa babysits for two teachers so I very much value my time with her when she is not working! Plus our kids all get along great, a major added bonus! After we ate and played we came home so I could catch up on chores and laundry that I have been majorly neglecting because of this awesome weather. While I was cleaning I put on some music because I need the motivation and energy the music gives me to get stuff done. The music inspired my kids to have a ‘dance party’!


Love these two so much. Hopefully they get their daddies dancing skills because Mama has no rhythm. Lol

After naps we headed down the street to Melissa’s house to let the kids play in her awesome backyard. I’m telling you, Melissa and I have been attached at the hip lately. It helps that we live about 5 houses apart. Lol.

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When we first arrived the kids wanted to ride their scooters in the front yard. Autumn has a scooter too but preferred to chase behind them on foot. Haha

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Melissa treated the kids to some yummy popsicles! Autumn insisted on holding hers upside down the entire time, Aubryn held the actual popsicle instead of the stick and Owen gobbled his up in about 2 seconds!

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After the scooter riding and popsicle eating they all headed out back to play. The boys could’ve jumped all day long on the trampoline if we let them!

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Aiden taught Owen how to do some really cool flips in the air. Owen just loves Aiden and really looks up to him! Such a great role model for my little Owen!

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I LOVE Owens face in this picture. Haha.

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Here are the girls playing house. According to Averie; Autumn was the Mommy, She was the Big Sister and Aubryn was the Baby Sister. So precious!

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Here is the Mommy cooking for her girls. Hahaha!

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Averie is so sweet to Autumn. Here she is picking her up to help her into the chair. Autumn adores her!

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When the older kids needed a water break from jumping we let the babies have a turn.

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Aubryn’s hair was hysterical on the trampoline. It was sticking strait up! She is so adorable and has the a sweet/easy going personality!

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Such a fun afternoon!


Melissa and I should really be sick of each other by now, as should our kids, but we are not. We decided to let the kids have another play day this morning. They came to our house for some more fun. Aiden basically played cars all morning, the babies just ran around like crazy kids getting into any and everything, and Owen and Averie spent hours playing Babries and Dolls. Hahaha, Owen sure knows how to make Daddy proud. JK. I think he really just loves playing with Averie so he will play anything she wants. It was a super fun morning and lots of tears were shed when it was time for the play day to end.


As for now, my kids are napping and I am blogging while my sweet little Abi has the entire play room to her sweet little self.


Look how sad she looks all dressed up like a Princess watching Mommy leave.

Have a great rest of your week. Tomorrow and Friday is the weekend in the Burgess Household so I see lots more Spring Break fun in our near future. If you haven’t been keeping up with my blog recently, be sure to check the ‘older posts’ in the lower right hand corner of this page because I have been blogging like a crazy lady lately!

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