Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Few Random Pictures

So I feel I haven't been very good about blogging lately, probably because my adorable son has officially hit the Terrible Two's and I haven't had much time for anything other than discipline! Yes, Owen has not been the easiest child to care for lately. It has been one fit after another, after another. Brandon and I are slowly trying to figure out how to handle them and what type of discipline works best. We are relying a lot on God to help us through this difficult time. Anyway, sorry for the lack of blogging but here are a couple pictures from the past couple weeks for you to enjoy.Here is Owen and Olivia on a neighborhood walk a couple weeks ago. Cutest Bronco's Fan ever! Here is Owen in his awesome Bronco's hat his GG gave to him for Christmas! And here is what I am talking about. This was after our play day this week. We took the kids to Hoot's again and Owen made it about a whole 40 minutes without a huge temper tantrum melt down. I dragged him out of there kicking me and screaming. This was the drive home. Wow, if looks could kill I would have no hope!Here are my two boys. This is seriously the cutest picture ever! I love them both so much. O yea, the Mickey Mouse Owen is holding you may start seeing a lot more of. He got it a couple weeks back, but the kid will not let it out of his sight. It goes everywhere with him. Too Cute!Here is Owen a couple days ago at the Aquarium. He loved driving the boat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darling pictures of Owen and my "boy" ! Owen looks like so grown up! Ah, those temper tantrums! Pray for patience and wisdom:)

Love you lots!