Saturday, February 6, 2010

Albuquerque's International Balloon Museum

Yesterday Brandon and I were feeling a little bored and needed to get out of the house and do something fun. We decided since it was too cold to go to the park or for a walk why not go to the Albuquerque International Balloon Museum. Neither of us have ever been there and we found out that the 1st Friday of every month is free admission. We had a great time looking around and learning some interesting history on all different types of balloons. Owen had a great time running around touching everything he could get his little hands on. All in all it was a very nice afternoon and a great way to spend some spare time as a family. Here is Owen and Daddy flying a balloon. Owen and I building a hot air balloon out of Lego's. My little climber.Brandon chillin in a balloon. Don't worry, Owen can't do any harm in this picture. The fire extinguisher is just part of the props for the display. I wouldn't let him touch it otherwise.
Owen was dancing to the back round music of this balloon video, but of course he stopped when I was trying to get a picture.Owen had so much fun touching everything there was to touch. I think Owen thought he was "ready to fly"!After this very embarrassing Break-Down in the middle of the floor we decided it was probably time to head home for the day. The joys of toddlers!

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