Thursday, September 5, 2013


Here we go again with another post full of random pictures from I don’t even know when (maybe the past 2 weeks ish?). Since school is back into full swing, I have honestly lost all track of time. Weeks are flying by, I feel like I can’t get anything productive done because I am spending all my time trying to adjust to this new Soccer Momish type of life. We spend a lot of time in the car driving from once place to another, dropping one kid off, picking the other kid up, back and forth back and forth. And while gas prices aren’t coming down, I am consuming more than ever. Life is full, life is busy, and we are all adjusting (or not but we’ll get there). Our new normal :)

So onto the random pictures I have discovered on my phone that I feel the need to share, mainly so I have a brief excuse to breath outside of my vehicle!


Here’s a good random one to start with. As I was desperately trying to prepare myself for a date with my Hubby (ie, trying my darnedest to make myself look presentable to the public) my kids were doing the same. Lol.


They are hilarious.

Our wonderfully magnificent church that we absolutely love and that I don’t talk enough about, held a Volunteer Appreciation Rodeo Themed Dinner. My awesome Mother-In-Law aka Mimi came to babysit so Brandon and I could have a fun night out together. The BBQ food was to die for, honestly some of the best I’ve ever tasted, and we even got some super fun Line Dancing Lessons. It was a really fun night out for me and the Hubs and even better it was FREE :)


Line Dancing Fun!


I know, I know, I look exhausted…let’s just say it was a long day.


Photo Booth fun!


I tried a new little Appetizer Recipe that was healthy, delicious, and literally gone in 60 seconds. I made it for my good friends Housewarming Party. I made 50 and honestly once I took the cover off, they were gone in less than a minute. Super easy and a HUGE hit, will definitely make again. Thanks Pinterest, you win again!


Pastry Cups (made them in a mini muffin pan) Filled with Hummus and topped with Zucchini, Cucumbers and Cherry Tomatoes. YUM!


The weather has been abnormally hot here and there just so happens to be a DQ on the way home from Owen’s school that we occasionally just can’t seem to avoid…



Owen and I had a nice and much needed Mommy Son Date last week after we dropped Autumn off at Preschool. We went to Starbucks and then onto a scavenger hunt led by Owen at Albertson’s. It was a super fun morning, looking forward to many more of these mornings spent with my boy this school year :)



Just so absolutely in love with this amazing child of God!


Autumn is still learning to adjust to Owen’s new Kindergarten schedule. I have to put her down for nap a little earlier than she is used to and everyday I am having to wake her up to go get him. Some days are okay and some are clearly not and I get this major attitude,


like she’s thinking, ‘Women, would you please let me SLEEP!’

We’ll get there, just still adjusting. Later on that afternoon, I had promised Autumn a special trip to the toy store to spend some of her saved up Bday money on some Princess High Heels she has been dying to get. I honestly can’t explain how much she waned them and was SO excited when the time to go buy them finally came.


She got three pairs of Heels, they are not to be called ‘Princess Shoes’, Tiana, Snow White, and Rapunzel. This girl knows what she wants, look how happy they made her :)


Owen took his first trip to the School Library last Friday with his class. He was thrilled and could not stop talking about his experience and how he got to scan and check out the book all by himself on the computer. This child LOVES to read and will do so for hours at a time. I absolutely love that getting him to read is not a struggle and that he finds so much enjoyment in it.


Here is his very 1st Book he checked out. He LOVES Splat The Cat books, even better he chose one of the few Splat books we don’t already have!


He has also found an unhealthy Love, or more like ADDICTION, to video games. Maybe more like all things electronic. Hmmmm, remind you of anyone else you may know? Ding, Ding, Brandon. So like all things kids love, it is now the major source of rewards for positive behavior and completed chores.


Seriously look how happy he gets when he earns that 20 minuets spent playing the Old School Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo from the 80’s. Love it, keepin it retro!


And I also got the worst new this past week. One of my closet friends here in Colorado just told me she is moving in 3 weeks back to Arizona where she is from. SO SO SO SO Sad. I love this girl so much and have become very used to our weekly Sunday morning Church Dates followed by lunch and our biweekly Monday Girls night full of cooking, eating, and watching chick flicks. My heart is so sad but now I have a new excuse to visit Phoenix, see there is a positive in every crummy situation.


You will be deeply missed Elizabeth Weaver. Owen’s eyes got very watery when I broke the news to him, my kids adore her and started calling her Aunt Elizabeth all on their own. So hard to see good friends move on, but I am so proud of her and excited for her new adventure.


I think that’s about it for now, as I am exhausted and ready for bed. I’ll be back soon with a post from Owen’s 1st Sleepover. Yes, as in he had his BFF spend the night at our house. Such a HUGE milestone, we seem to be making a lot of those lately. Until next time little blog!

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