Sunday, November 18, 2012

Owen’s School Thanksgiving Feast, More Gymnastics, Autumn’s 1st Movie Theater Experience and More…

Long title I know, but I have a few things I’d like to blog about before the craziness of this coming week starts. In other words I am going to play a little catch up.

Owen’s School Thanksgiving Feast

This past Thursday Owen had a Thanksgiving Feast at school before their week long break for the holidays. They have been learning all about the Pilgrims this month and the meaning behind Thanksgiving. They sang a few songs for all the parents and then there was a delicious pot luck style feast for the families to partake in with their kids. This was my first time as a mom that I had kids with conflicting schedules and I needed to be in two places at once. Autumn had gymnastics until 10:50am and Owen’s Feast started at 10:30am. I am sure this is a small glimpse of what my future is going to look like, but let me tell you it was an uneasy feeling since I hate letting my kids down, anyone for that matter. I am a people please what can I say. Any who, my solution to the situation that I would leave gymnastics 15 min early and show up to Owen’s Feast 15 min late. It was the fairest way I came up with since I essentially took 15 min away from each child. It was a busy morning but I had a blast seeing both of my children enjoying their childhood. 


Owen and Autumn enjoying their feast. Owen was SO excited to eat lunch at school with all his classmates.


Keelan, Owen and Luke. These guys are Owen’s 2 best buds from pre-k. Owen wasn’t upset here, I just didn’t catch him smiling. We have had quite a few play days with these boys and I just love them. Owen did a great job choosing some super sweet friends and it is a huge plus that I really like their mommies too!


Left: Miss Laura (the teacher assistant in Owen’s class. Owen just adores her) and Owen. Sorry the picture is a little fuzzy because she moved before I finished snapping the picture. Right: Owen, Mrs. Anderson (Owen’s Teacher) and Keelan.


This is the ADORABLE placemat Owen made at school. I absolutely LOVE the things kids say, so stinkin precious.


More Gymnastics

Autumn officially started her first 12 week gymnastics session this past Thursday. She was again complimented by Coach Lizzie because of her strength and communication skills for her age. I am so proud of this little girl and really think she has a talent for the sport.


She loves getting all dressed in her little leotards. She just looks like a petite little gymnast :)


Not the best picture since there was so much jumping going on, but here she is on the trampoline.



Autumn’s 1st Movie Theater Experience

I think this was actually from the week before last, but I forgot to blog about it. Anyway, on one of Brandon’s day’s off we decided to go to the dollar movie as a family. We weren’t too sure if Autumn was quite ready to sit through an entire movie yet, but we figured since it was only a dollar it was no biggy if we were forced to leave. We went to see the movie Brave. Owen had already seen it with some friends when it first came out back in NM but I Brandon and I were pretty excited to see it. It was an adorable movie and Autumn did pretty well. She got a bit talkative towards the end and wanted to walk the aisles a bit, but overall we were very pleased. Such a fun family outing.





Here are a few random miscellaneous pictures from the past week or so…


Shower time fun.


Sibling Love!


Me and My Boy :)


Daddy and His Girl :)


And Autumn snuggling with her sick Mama.

This past Tuesday I had to go to the doctor for a small medical procedure. I won’t go into detail but it was a little rougher than we originally anticipated. It was a quick in-the office kind of thing, but it was much more painful than I expected. After an afternoon laying in bed after the procedure and coming off all my ‘loopy’ meds, I caught the stomach flu that Owen had the next day on top of it all. It was no fun and I was extremely miserable. After 3 days of feeling completely terrible, I decided to call the doctor to let them know what was going on. Come to find out, I had actually developed a pretty bad infection from the procedure that was making me feel even worse. I honestly could barely stand up I was so sick. I was weak, shaking, fever, chills, and in a ton of pain. As it was an EXTREMELY rough week, I am happy to say that after 2 full days on some very strong antibiotics I am feeling MUCH better. Five full days of feeling really crummy, I was starting to lose hope that I was ever going to get better. I guess at this point I am just so thankful it is over and done with especially before Thanksgiving week. 


I think that just about sums up the past week, or two. We have a busy week ahead of us with a mini cousins reunion tomorrow night up in Boulder, my parents coming in on Wednesday and of course Thanksgiving (which we are hosting this year) on Thursday. Lots of stuff going on and lots and lots and lots of cooking/baking to be done. With that said, I am off to catch some zzzz’s since I may not be getting a lot over the next week.

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