Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Birthday Dinner & My BFF’s Visit

I turned 28 today, only 2 years left in my 20s, YIKES! Any who, I can say that 28 was one of my Best Birthday’s yet. Why? Well, my BFF came to visit and I got to spend 3 whole days with her. I had more like a Birthday weekend instead of just 1 day. I can’t lie, I got pretty spoiled this year. Where do I even start with this post? I guess I’ll do my good ole day by day breakdown, so here we go.


Saturday morning the kids and I headed to the airport around 10:15am. I was beyond excited to be going to pick up my Best Friend. Even though we just saw each other back in August for her wedding, I felt like it had been much too long. Why? Honestly not sure. We have gone much longer between seeing each other, but something about this last 2 months in between our last visit felt like forever. It’s kind of fun living in a different state now, because when she used to visit NM I had to share her with all her family which meant I didn’t get to see much of her. This time was GREAT, she got to stay with me and I got her all to my self :). Any way, by time we picked up lunch and made the hour long trek home from the airport, it was just about nap time for the kiddos. Once they laid down, Candie and I spent almost the entire kids nap looking at nearly 1000 of her wedding photos. It was so much fun reminiscing. After naps, we hung around the house and Candie got to spend some quality time with my kiddos. They absolutely LOVED her and quickly adopted her as Auntie Candie. Around 5:30pm, we got all packed up and headed over to Aunt Rose’s house (Brandon’s Aunt). Brandon’s Grandma’s Birthday was November 9th, so Aunt Rose decided to have a combined Birthday dinner for the both of us. It was a great time, spent with great people and some amazing food, although we did have a couple incidences that night. Poor Owen got a nasty tummy bug and ended up spending the entire dinner in the bathroom throwing up, a little didn’t make it all the way to the bathroom though :( O yeah, and Autumn tried to sneak a cupcake when no one was looking and ended up knocking over the entire cupcake stand down breaking three plates on poor Aunt Rose’s tile floor. Not a picture perfect evening, even a bit stressful, but spending an entire evening surrounded by people you love is hard to let a couple incidences put a damper on your night.

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Candie and the kids playing Barbies before the Bday Dinner.


Getting ready to go party!

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The Birthday Girls!

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Autumn was pretty attached to her Auntie Candie!

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Aunt Rose hosted an amazing Birthday Dinner for Grandma and I and cooked up some delicious food. I am continually overwhelmed and humbled by how amazing and how giving my In Laws are. All of them. They have welcomed me into their family and I am beyond grateful for each and every one of them! A HUGE thanks again Aunt Rose, and a huge sorry for Owen throwing up on your carpet and Autumn breaking your plates :)

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GG & her great-grandbabies!

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GG and I had some pretty amazing helpers while we were opening our gifts.

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It snowed pretty bad that night. I had my first big test driving home in the snow that night and lets just say if it wasn’t for Candie’s helpful hints and tips (she lived in CO for 2 years so she is a pro snow driver) we may not have made it home so safely. It was extremely icy and I was a nervous wreck. Its gonna take some time!

Thanks again everyone for making my Birthday so very special and for your extreme generosity with your gifts. I was very spoiled and I am SO thankful for each and every one of you!



Since my BFF was in town and I had some Bday money to spend, my wonderful Mother-In-Law graciously offered to babysit so I could have a Bday shopping day with my bestie’s! So grateful for her because I really needed a shopping day since my winter wardrobe is not up to par for Colorado weather. Any who, she came over after church around 12:30 and me, Candie, and our good friend Tammy headed downtown Denver to the 16th Street Mall to do some major shopping. We had a BLAST and got some great stuff.


Candie, Me, & Tammy having a blast shopping :)



Bestie’s in matching Elk Sweaters. Hahaha. Brings us back to our fun High School Days.

After we did some major damage shopping for 4+hours, we decided it was time to head home. Once we got home, we slipped into our comfy sweats, curled up in a blanket, and watched some Sunday night football while we enjoyed some Beef Stew I had cooking in the crock pot while we were out. My friend Tammy is a HUGE Bears fan, too bad we had to watch them lose. O well, we had a great night despite the games outcome!

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And after Tammy left to go home, Brandon wanted to play some video games, so Candie and I retired upstairs to watch some TV. Brought us back to some fond memories of our Slumber Parties back in the day,




Monday we didn’t really have much planned. In the morning we all took our time getting dressed and then went out to run a few errands. Since Brandon was home, Candie and I took advantage and went out to do a bit more shopping at Ulta, Off Broadway Shoes and of course Target while the kids were napping. Once we got home, we spent a few hours playing with the kids. At around 5ish, we headed to Park Meadows Mall to meet Tammy for some final shopping and dinner at Grand Lux. It was another GREAT day.

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Owen reading Auntie Candie a book.

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A little bit of dress up. Autumn loves pretending to be a cowgirl!

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And since Candie had a really early flight the next morning and we wouldn’t be getting home until after the kids were in bed, the kids had to say an early “Goodbye” to Auntie Candie!



While we were out shopping again, we found some more Elk Sweaters, except this time it was hideous, so we decided we needed to take 2 and try them on. Lol. We love goofing off together.


Dinner and another goodbye for Candie and we headed home.

We went to bed very early that night since we had to leave at 4:45am the next morning to head to the airport :(


I think that about concludes my Birthday fun for the weekend with my Bestie! Needless to say, we are doing nothing tonight on my actual Birthday because I already succeeded my Birthday Celebrating for the year. Thank you Thank you Thank you Candie for coming out to visit and to celebrate with me. I miss you already!

You know those friends that you can just completely let your hair down and 100% just be yourself around? Yeah, that’s my Candie. And even though we have lived in separate states for 5+ years now, it never feels like a single second has gone by when we are together and we pick right back up where we left off last. I love her with all my heart and I am already counting down the seconds until the next time we get to see each other. I can’t believe we met 14 years ago, I can not imagine my life without a friend like her in it. I don’t believe there is another person in the world that can make me laugh as much as she can. Love you Candie Girl, I am so blessed by your friendship!!!!!!!!!

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