Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Golf Camp

Owen has completed his first ever Golf Camp. He had so much fun and really found a love for golfing…just like his Daddy! It was a busy couple weeks with Golf Camp, VBS, and Tball but I am happy to say we made it through it. Since Brandon’s Best Friend Travis is the Head Pro at Raccoon Creek Golf Course that is where we decided to do the 2 week long Golf Camp, even better Travis was his Coach. They put him in the class with 6,7, & 8 Year Olds since that was the group Travis was coaching. It went fine, but since this was Owen’s very first time picking up Golf Clubs, the first 2 days were a bit frustrating for him since he couldn’t hit the ball as well as the kids in his group since they had all been playing for 2 or 3 years. But once he got used to it, and wasn’t worried about hitting it as far or as hard as the other kids, he did great and really had a blast! Here are some pictures of Owen’s two weeks of golf camp….


The first day he had a different Coach since Travis was playing in a tournament that day.


My sweet boy!!!!!


Birdie Ball was his absolute favorite!




Autumn and I had some great bonding time eating breakfast at the Golf Courses Restaurant while Owen was busy golfing :)



On the second to last day of camp it was ‘Putting Day’ so they set up a really cool ‘Putt Putt’ Golf Course for them.

And then on the Last Day of Camp they had Five Stations they had to go around to and they were tested and scored on their ‘Ability Tests’. This was so the coaches could see how much they learned over the 2 week camp. After their Ability Tests we all went to the tent where they served Hot Dogs, Chips, Cookies & Lemonade for lunch and Awards. Owen had a BLAST the last day. He came in 4th out of 6. Not bad considering this was his first time ever playing and most of the kids had 2+ years of experience. Most importantly he had SO much fun!!!!




Eating Lunch


Coach Travis giving out awards.



Owen got a really cool new Golf USA Kids Hat. He was SO proud of it!


I am SO very beyond words proud of my boy. He really puts his heart and soul into whatever he does. Can’t wait to see how his love for golf grows over the next year. Daddy is already planning to take him out to go play soon. What a special thing for Brandon & Owen to do together :)

And a BIG thanks to Cousin Olivia & the Fink Family for handing down the Awesome Left Handed Clubs for Owen to use. They are coming in very handy :)

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