Saturday, September 17, 2011

Just Another Afternoon @ The Park…

If you live in NM then you already know, but for those who do not know, the weather has been WONDERFUL lately. For about the past week or so the highs have been in the low 80’s to high 70’s and overcast skies. We have even been getting nice little showers in the afternoons. Very light showers, but in the very very dry state of NM we will take what we are given. Needless to say with all this amazing weather we have had, the kids and I have been spending a lot of afternoons outdoors. Sometimes in the front yard riding tricycles and scooters, other times in the backyard in the sand box and playing with sidewalk chalk, but most often we go to the park. My kids LOVE going to the parks and exploring different areas of town with new parks to try out. Well, our bff’s, told us about a nice little park they stumbled across a week ago so the kids and I decided to give it a try. Our BFF’s know us so well as the kids LOVED this park. The neighborhood isn’t the nicest but the park is wonderful. We have already been there twice in the past 3 days. Its not too far from the house and there never seems to be anyone there so its even better to have it all to ourselves. Well, I forgot my camera both times we went but I did manage to snap some pics with my phone. Enjoy.


Cutie Pies having fun!


Monkey See, Monkey Do! Autumn has to do everything her big bro does. She may be small, but she sure knows how to keep up!


Owen LOVED this giant rock! He climbed up it all by himself. What a big boy!


Autumn was pretty independent too. She could climb the stairs and go down the slide all by herself. No help needed or wanted. The independence is nice, but it also leads to lots and lots of meltdowns….


Here she is throwing a huge fit because I wouldn’t let her climb down this rock walk that was about 6 feet up. She would have fallen right off and probably broke her neck if I allowed her to do so. Owen can’t even do it. She was so persistent and kept going back to the same thing I told her over and over she could not do. Raising a 1 year can be quite the challenge. Especially when she is constantly trying to keep up with her 3 year old brother. Did I mention she is very very stubborn?


See what I mean. Happy one minute, and throwing a fit the next. In the picture on the left she is cheerfully playing with a big stick she found. Then she started peeling some of the bark off and was trying to eat it. So being a mom and looking out for her best interest, I polite fully told her not to put it in her mouth. The picture of the right is her reaction to the word “no”! O man, the teenage years are gonna be rough. I can already see it!

Have a great weekend Everyone!

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