Saturday, September 3, 2011

Busy Saturday…

Today was a busy day in the Burgess Household. Unfortunately I got sick this past week and finally gave in and went to the doc yesterday. I found out I have a yucky sinus infection. Yay, lucky me…NOT! Well, life in the Burgess household still has to go on, sick Mommy or not. Luckily my WONDERFUL husband was the best Mr. Mom ever yesterday and let me lay in bed most of the day to rest while he looked after the kiddos. I am so lucky to have such a awesome hubby! Since I got to rest yesterday I was feeling a tad bit better today, not much, but every little bit helps, especially when you have 3 kids to look after and a Birthday party to attend. We started our day off watching my beautiful niece Abigail. It wasn’t my normal Saturday to have her but my parents had to go out of town for a funeral, so I stepped in and watched her for my sister. Right after my sister came to get Abi Girl, the kids and I packed up and headed out to a special Birthday Party for one of Owen’s Best Friends. That’s right…Linkin. It was his 4th Birthday today. I CAN NOT believe he is 4, as in f-o-u-r!! I remember holding sweet Linkin the day he came home from the hospital. He was tiny, 5 lb. 4 oz., and now he is all grown up, I just can’t believe how fast time goes by. Anyway, sick or not the day was great. I do however have to admit that I am beat now, as in about to fall over from a physically exhausting day. Here are some pictures from our day real quick and then I am off to lay on the couch until Brandon gets home.

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Abi and I had some special 1 on 1 time this after her nap while my kids were still sleeping. She is such a sweetie. I think the kids knew I wasn’t feeling very good because they were all exceptionally well behaved today. I am so lucky to be her Auntie!

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Linkin had his a Pool Party at his Grandma & Grandpa’s house. It was so much fun since both my kids LOVE to swim. The theme was Spiderman, Linkin is very into superhero's! Here is Owen swimming around. I think he swam for 2 hours strait! Little fish.

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And here is the Birthday Boy swimming around.

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Autumn had fun swimming until she found out there were cupcakes. She wanted nothing to do with the water once she got her hands on a chocolate cupcake. She also devoured a plate full of fresh fruit. Little stinker loves her food!

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Here she is kicking back sunbathing. She has the funniest little personality!

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Owen managed to squeezed in a minute or two to eat. He wanted nothing to do with the cupcakes though, he was too busy with his corn dog!

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Brother & Sister Love.

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Here is Owen and Linkin taking a break from playing after the pool. Linkin is showing off his cool Spiderman toy Owen & Autumn got him for his Birthday. 

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The Crew. Owen, Autumn, Linkin & Finnley.

Happy 4th Birthday Linkin we love you. Okay, I’m off to rest now. Happy Labor Day Weekend everyone!

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