Monday, August 16, 2010

Ramdon Pictures...

Here are some random pictures from the past couple weeks that I wanted to share with you all, enjoy....
Here is the proud Big Brother holding his baby Sister. He loves holding her now and asks to about 20 times a day. Awe, it melts my heart.
First Family Picture of the 4 of us. This was a couple weeks back before heading off to church.
Here is Autumn with her Mimi a couple weeks ago when she came down to visit and meet her first Granddaughter! I love this picture, she doesn't look like a proud grandma at all!
Here is my little poser. He loves getting his picture taken!
This is what my life has become! It is quite a challenge leaving the house alone with the two kids, but when you have no milk and bread in the house you do what you have to. Good thing I only needed a couple items because I have no room for groceries in the cart with my two kids.
Brandon and I had some friends stop by last week to meet little Autumn for the first time and look what they brought for her. How awesome is this pillow? My super talented friend, Leah, made this pillow. She does calligraphy and sews too. I absolutely love it!
Owen has become my little helper with his baby sister. Here he is assisting me at giving Autumn a bath. He is such an amazing Big Brother and is continually showing much more interest in her.
Here is Autumn at a Wedding Reception we attended this past weekend. Thanks Aunt Rose for the adorable outfit! The reception was outside and so hot, but little Autumn looks pretty comfortable. We left Owen with my parents so Brandon and I could actually sit and enjoy ourselves.
Owen and Olivia at the park. They were holding hands and marching through the grass. They are so cute!

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