Monday, August 2, 2010

Autumn's First Week Home...

Sorry to all our blog followers for the delay in posts this past week. Autumn has officially survived her first week home as part of the Burgess Family. It has been a crazy, interesting, always changing, unforgettable week. It is amazing how good Brandon and I feel and even more amazing how good little Autumn is doing. We have gotten out a lot as a family of four, we even made it to church last Saturday when she was just 2 days old, crazy I know. She is a great baby. Basically sleeps, eats and poops and only cries when she wants one of those three things. She is a little sweetie and even lets Brandon and I get some pretty good naps in at night time. Owen is still adjusting, but doing better than either of us thought he would do. We are still battling temper tantrums, but he is two after all. He is really good with his new sister and is fine with anyone giving her attention except for Daddy, but we are working on it. I don't have much more time to blog so I'll get on to the good stuff, pictures. The pictures are in no kind of order, but are just some pictures we have taken over the past 10 days. Enjoy. This was about an hour after we brought her home from the hospital and Big Brother Owen got to hold her for the very first time. Here is Autumn with her Great Grandma Thompson. Kind of a random picture, but I wanted to show you all how much Owen is into this whole, "I'm a Big Boy" thing. He doesn't really like baths anymore since he is a big boy. Here is the Big Boy taking a shower. Too Funny.
Autumn loves to pucker her little lips like this when she sleeps. She is too precious.
Our Pastors wife invited us over last week so Owen could go swimming in their pool. It is also his Babysitter McKenzie's house so Owen was very excited for the afternoon. Brandon got in and swam with Owen and Autumn and I stayed in the shaded patio, relaxed and chit chatted with all the girls. It was a perfect afternoon outdoors. As you can tell, Autumn had a terrible time... Here is Owen and Hannah in the Hot Tub.
And here is Cami spending some time with the Baby. She loved holding her and Autumn seems very comfortable in her arms.
Here is Owen bouncing his baby sister in her adorable pink bouncy seat. What a good big brother. Autumn Chillin'
All ready for an afternoon out on the town. I really can't remember for the life of me where we were headed to in this picture, but she seriously looks too cute.
Love from Mommy
Sleeping with Daddy
and Kisses from Big Brother....Can you tell she is loved?
Her second bath at home. We have to cover her with a warm washcloth when we bathe her because she gets cold so easily since she has no body fat yet.And here she is this morning all ready to head off to her Doctors Appointment. She was great! The doc says she looks great and they are happy with her weight. She is still only 6.5lbs, but their goal is for all babies to be back to their birth weight by 2 weeks old, so she is doing great! Thanks for checking in and hope its not too long until our next post.


Anonymous said...

Darling, Adorable, Wonderful Pictures of the Burgess Family!!!
Thanks for sharing:)

Love you all!!!

Anonymous said...

owen let me join you in the shower I will make you a big boy, your tight little hole will feel so good