Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Rock band PARTY!!!!

We have become quite addicted to Rock band game, so we came up with a brilliant idea to throw a Rock band Party! O' my goodness we had so much fun, I can't remember the last time I have laughed that hard!!!! We had five couple including ourselves and lots of Pizza, Beer, and Dessert. It was so hilarious watching everyone dancing around and singing. I am not sure what the kids were thinking, but they had some funny faces on, thinking what in the world is going on. We got some amazing Black mailing footage of a few of the crazy brave ones who were the lead singers. Good Times!

Travis was so funny, he had this blank look the entire time he was playing.

Here is the little man. We attempted to dress him like a Rock Star, we spiked his hair, Popped his Collar, and had him in his High Top Converse. He looked so adorable.


Anonymous said...

Once again, another GREAT Blog posting(s)!!! Loved the pictures of your Rock Band party. Owen's hair looked wild, man!!

The fourth of July pictures were great too. The cake looked too pretty to eat! Isn't the look of wonder on your child's face a treasure?

Love you,
Mama B.

Matt Altman said...

I love all you pictures from this post and the others! I haven't looked in a while but i love them! Your blog is lookin sweet too!