Sunday, July 12, 2009

Beth Moore Conference

This past weekend I went to my very first Beth Moore Conference. I went at the invite of one of my BFF's and we had such an amazing time. It was even cooler that we got to sit in the very front row. We are talking about going to one of her conferences outside of New Mexico and take a little "Girls Trip", but of course it won't probably be until next year. Anyway, for those of you who don't know, Beth Moore is the founder of Living Proof Ministries. She is known for teaching women how to love and live in God’s Word. She has written numerous books and Bible studies that have been read by women of all ages, races, and denominations. Living Proof ministries was founded off of one single verse in the Bible which is "For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any two edged sword." Hebrew 4:12. All I have to say is that I was truly touched by the active living word of God this weekend. I felt as if she was speaking directly to me which is no coincidence my friend, it is the amazing work of God Almighty. Her conference this weekend went over 1 Samuel Chapters 1-3 and focused on "The Shocking Favor of God." I had such an amazing time and highly recommend that all you ladies out there attend one of her conferences at some point in your life, you will leave truly touched. For all you ladies who did attend, remember that we are all "Hannah's" in God's eyes. Enjoy the pics....
Here is a picture of the amazing Worship Team. They all had such amazing voices.Here is the Worship Leader of Living Proof Ministries, Travis Cottrell. He has an unbelievably amazing voice!
Here is Beth Moore preaching the Word of God. Me and Kaitlyn in our VIP front row seats! Thanks Susan.