Monday, November 3, 2008

BOO!!! Look out its a scary lil Monkey!!!!

We cannot believe that Halloween has already came and gone, where has the year gone? Owen is already 5 and a half months old! We went to get 5 month shots and this picture was the best he has taken yet, if you would like info on how to order any of the pictures we have taken of Owen at the photographers please let Vanessa know and she can give you the info.

As you can see, we had a lil monkey on our hands for Halloween and I think he was very confused as to why everyone was dressed up. He did receive a lot of ooh's and aah's from our friends and neighbors. Since next year he will be walking we are sure he will enjoy Halloween a lot more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been talking to Owen's pictures telling him how adorable he is in his Halloween pictures. He looks like a baby model! My grandson is soooooo cute! Thanks for blessing me with a grandchild.

Grammy B.