Sunday, March 17, 2013

Owen’s 2 Big Preschool Presentations

Since I am a bit behind blogging about this, I figured I better get it in the records. A few months back, Owen was Star of the week (each kid gets a chance to be the star of the week and it was finally his turn). He was ecstatic about it! He had to fill out his ‘All About Me’ Poster, he got to take ‘Show and Tell’ that day, AND he got to present it all in front of his class. Since he is quite an attention lover, he had a blast with it as you can imagine.


A few Highlights…..

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Animal: Shark

Favorite Food: Chicken Nuggets

Favorite Sport: Hockey

He is a Star Because: He can read and do math

What do you want to be when you grow up: A firefighter


Since this month is Dr. Seuss’ Birthday month each kid is giving a book report presentation in Owen’s class. Since this child LOVES to read and is reading a few grade levels above where he is supposed to be reading at, he was super stoked to get to do his very first book report. He chose a new book Mimi gave him for Valentine’s Day called Snail City.

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They had a sheet to fill in (with their parents help) and then they had to draw a picture of their favorite scene in the book.

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His teacher said he did a wonderful job presenting his book report and even read the entire book aloud to his class. He is such a BIG BOY, it’s so hard to believe he is going to be 5, yes F-I-V-E, in just two short months. So blessed by this child, so proud of this child, and so very in love with this child.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Owen!!!!

You are a STAR!!!!
