Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Chatfield Botanical Gardens Pumpkin Patch

Last Tuesday, Autumn’s Preschool hosted their annual family night at the Chatfield Botanical Gardens Pumpkin Patch. We had planned to go with our friend’s the Snide Family, but unfortunately their oldest son got sick and they weren’t able to go. Since we had been planning to go for a few weeks, we decided to still go as a family. Of course that day the high was 37 degrees. Yes, the HIGH! It actually snowed for a couple hours earlier in the day and I had been sick with Strep (my second round, lucky me) a couple days prior. Needless to say, the conditions weren't ideal by any means, but we knew if we didn’t go then, we probably wouldn’t get a chance to go(at least as a family) with our crazy schedule for the remainder of October. So we went. It was cold, okay more like FREEZING….literally! We still managed to have a great, okay scratch that, wonderful time as a family at the Pumpkin Patch. We didn’t get pictures of everything as our hands were ice cubes, so taking our gloves off to get the camera out was not always priority, but there was lots to do there. Jumpers, Pumpkin Picking, Face Painting, Barrel Train Rides, Christian Concert, Food, Kettle Corn, Corn Maze, Hay Rides, and much more. Here are some pictures from our time at the Pumpkin Patch that felt as if we were at a River of Lights with the crazy cold weather.

Pumpkin Patch 2013 & Week with Bailey! 001

Hay Ride with my cutie pies!

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My Sweet ‘HEART’

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This is quite possibly the worst Bat Face Painting I have ever seen, but it was free and Owen was happy so who cares.

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Unfortunately due to the freeze, a lot of the Pumpkins got destroyed and were all rotten :(

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Yep, they are the cutest things EVER!

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This jumpy thing was the favorite for sure!

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Autumn was bound and determined to jump on this despite the fact that she kept getting bounced off by the big kids :) She is so funny and one determined little stinker!

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“Mom, look at me!!!!”

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Corn Maze fun

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Hitching the Hayride back.

Pumpkin Patch 2013 & Week with Bailey! 069


Such a fun filled family night!

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