Sunday, March 17, 2013

Owen’s 2 Big Preschool Presentations

Since I am a bit behind blogging about this, I figured I better get it in the records. A few months back, Owen was Star of the week (each kid gets a chance to be the star of the week and it was finally his turn). He was ecstatic about it! He had to fill out his ‘All About Me’ Poster, he got to take ‘Show and Tell’ that day, AND he got to present it all in front of his class. Since he is quite an attention lover, he had a blast with it as you can imagine.


A few Highlights…..

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Animal: Shark

Favorite Food: Chicken Nuggets

Favorite Sport: Hockey

He is a Star Because: He can read and do math

What do you want to be when you grow up: A firefighter


Since this month is Dr. Seuss’ Birthday month each kid is giving a book report presentation in Owen’s class. Since this child LOVES to read and is reading a few grade levels above where he is supposed to be reading at, he was super stoked to get to do his very first book report. He chose a new book Mimi gave him for Valentine’s Day called Snail City.

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They had a sheet to fill in (with their parents help) and then they had to draw a picture of their favorite scene in the book.

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His teacher said he did a wonderful job presenting his book report and even read the entire book aloud to his class. He is such a BIG BOY, it’s so hard to believe he is going to be 5, yes F-I-V-E, in just two short months. So blessed by this child, so proud of this child, and so very in love with this child.

Some Randomness from the past week or so…

A few really yummy things to share/recommend…


This No Bake Boston Cream Strata was absolutely amazing!!!!!! It is Layers of Graham Crackers, A homemade Vanilla Pudding Custard thingy, and a coat of Homemade Chocolate Frosting. OMG, I am still dreaming about this, Pinterest friends, go pin and make asap!


This wine is amazing! Try it, I promise you’ll like it.


This is another yummy pinterest recommendation, Vegetable Stew with Cornmeal Dumplings! It was absolutely perfect on a snowy evening…


Speaking of snow we had a snow storm last weekend and then it was in the high 60’s and low 70’s all week. Crazy right? And although I am not sick of the snow in the least, I could really do without all the shoveling that comes with it?!?!


Without completely bragging though, I have become an amazing driveway snow shoveler.

What else?


I have an amazing husband and kids. Here they are having nightly Bible Story time.

Speaking of husbands, he even took me on a date this past Friday! We were SO excited for date night since it’s been months since our last one. This year started off to a rocky start with all my medical issues, but better late than never…


Cheers! We went to Texas Roadhouse for Dinner and then it was off to the movies,


We lived large and even saw it in 3D movie. We’re crazy I know.

And other than that, my amazing kids and I have just been soaking up all the wonderful Spring Like weather together,






‘Running the bases’ and ‘cheering’ each other on!


Goodness gracious I am SO blessed beyond my wildest imagination!

A Day of Babysitting

This past Thursday, one of my friends Stephanie (Keelan & Eisley’s Mom) asked if I could babysit for the day. I quickly accepted since I knew the kids would absolutely love having their two very good friends over for the day. After gymnastics Stephanie and I did the car seat exchange in the parking lot and the two cutie pie little girls and I were off. I had about an hour with the two girls before heading off to pick up the boys from school. After I picked them up, got all four kiddos loaded up we headed for the park for some outdoor play time and a picnic lunch since it was an absolutely beautiful day out. We stayed at the park for about 1.5 hours and then headed home where the kids played their little hearts out. It was a fun and o so very exhausting day since none of them napped, but well worth it since all the kiddos had a blast.


My car load for the day. I have to admit this was by far the loudest car ride I have ever been on :)


Picnic time! PB & J’s, Grapes, Carrots and Juice Boxes.


Pure Craziness.


Late Afternoon Fruit Snack Time.


These two could’ve played snakes all day. Lol. They used them as blindfolds directing the ‘blind’ person around, they used Autumn’s Princess wand to transform each other into snakes, and they laid in bed ‘sleeping’ with their snakes.


And of course there was lots of Hot Wheels playing too.


And the girls mainly played with stuffed animals, purses and backpacks. They are SO adorable!


And you can’t forget the Princess Doll House playtime :)

The Kiddos Dental Check Up

Last week was the kiddos 6 month dental check up. Owen has been many times already, but this was pretty much Autumn’s 1st Actual cleaning. I took her last time but she was not interested at all and since you want their dental experiences to be pleasant, we didn’t force it. This time was much different, she did great, the prize of picking a new toothbrush at the end was a huge motivator. Both kiddos exams and cleanings were great and no cavities to report, yay! We also LOVE the children's dental office we found here! All in all a great Dental Check Up :)


Did I mention the entertainment in the waiting room is fantastic?! iPads, Movies, Toys, Books, A huge aquarium, you name it they have it!



After their cleanings we told them they could choose a place to go eat lunch and unanimously they chose Ikea, lol!


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Papa Nick’s 83rd Birthday

I first off have to say, I married into an incredible family. Last Saturday we celebrated Brandon’s Grandfather’s (aka Papa Nick) 83rd Birthday. Papa Nick is an amazing man, he raised 5 amazing children, he married an amazing women, and is a perfect example of what being a Godly Man is all about. I am truly blessed to have him as a grandparent, especially since I have no living Grandparents on my side :(. Brandon’s Grandmother hosted a lovely Birthday (as she always does) Dinner for Papa Nick at their new place and we were so lucky to have Brandon’s Uncle Nick in town from California to celebrate with us. Dinner was delicious, the cake was delightful, and the company was perfect. Such a wonderful celebration of a wonderful life! Here are some pictures of our evening…

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Papa Nick with his 3 Great-Grandchildren.

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GG, Papa Nick, Bailey, Autumn & Owen.

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Owen sure loves his Papa Nick. They had a blast playing Yahtzee Jr. together!

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The kiddos having fun with their Mimi and their silly Aunt’s.

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These kiddos are gorgeous.

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The Guys

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Dinner was delish! GG made a delicious Prime Rib, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy. Aunt Bev brought a wonderful salad and I made this really yummy Crunchy Broccoli Bake. Yum, Yum, Yum :)

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Thank you Aunt Rose for bringing this AMAZING Carrot Cake!!!

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We started this really cool tradition in the family. After the Birthday Person blows out their candles, everyone at the party goes around, says something sweet to the Birthday Person and then slices a piece of cake. It was neat and of course had everyone in tears. I love this new tradition and I LOVE this family!


Happy 83rd Birthday Papa Nick!!!!