
Friday, August 20, 2010

This Week...

So this week started off a little rough! On Monday night, Autumn did not feel like sleeping that night. By not wanting to sleep, I mean up screaming all night. Needless to say Brandon and I were exhausted all of Tuesday. Well life had to still go on and we desperately needed groceries since we finally ran out of meals that friends and family had brought over. Brandon stayed with the kids and I headed to the store to tackle an insanely long list! Well, by time I got home, fed the two kids and Brandon and I lunch and put everything away I was beat. Autumn was taking a nap on the floor and I decided to lay next to her for a minute and this is what happened...
This is seriously what happened. I totally fell asleep on the floor next to her. I woke up to Brandon flashing the camera in my face because he thought it was so funny.
Anyway, after that rough Monday night and exhausting Tuesday, Brandon and I found the trick. Brandon stays up with Autumn until 10:30pm, gives her a bottle of Breast milk and puts her to bed. Then guess what happens? We don't here from her again until 4 or 5 in the morning, I breastfeed her and she goes back to sleep until about 7:30! Yes, that means we are getting 5-6 hours of peaceful uninterrupted sleep. It is amazing and this little routine has worked for the last 3 nights in a row. Now I am no longer falling asleep on the living room floor!
Owen loving his baby sister!
Then on Thursday, my friend Jess and her daughter Abby came over to play. She is 36 weeks pregnant with her second baby and after a couple weeks of semi-bed rest she needed to get out of the house so she brought Abby over for a small play date. Owen and Abby played pretty good together for about an hour and then the fights started to break out. They are 2 years old after all so I think overall things went really well. Here are some pics of the two of them.
Abby & Owen saying, "cheese"!
Owen has this huge set of pretend plastic play food that he got for his Birthday. He is obsessed with it and plays with them all day long. Abby was handing Owen some food and he was taking it to the kitchen table to make himself some lunch.
Here he is making his pretend Lunch. I love this age, he has such a little imagination!
And here is Abby with her pretend Ice Cream Cone! She loved that thing and carried it around everywhere with her. I think sweets are her favorite!

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are such a blessing to me! I wish you could see the huge smile on my face when I read your descriptive blog and look at the pictures!

    Thanks for blessing many of my days.
