Friday, March 30, 2012

And Another Busy Week Flies By…

Remember my post a couple weeks ago titled ‘The Good Days and the…Not so Good Days’? Well, it’s been another one of those weeks!

Brandon is switching to a new Community Pulte is opening called the Boulders. When he moves to the new community his days off will be switching back to Mondays and Tuesdays like they used to be. Since his days off are switching and he is in the process of moving his old office over to the new office and preparing for a huge Grand Opening this weekend he has to work all week with no days off, which means I am working all week with no days off. He has been going in early and staying late just about every day so I have been basically on my own all week with both kids. Both cranky kids that is. That basically means the kids are sick of me, my patience is running very thin and by 9 O’clock Brandon and I are both mentally and physically exhausted. 3 more days and this will all be over! I know I sound like a big complainer but venting to my dear blog makes me feel a sigh of relief.

Anyway it has been another busy week around here. I think mainly because I am trying to stay continuously busy so I can’t sit and think of how ridiculously tired I am. There have been many evenings & afternoons spent at the park, shopping, play days, dinner, laundry, cleaning, sewing, Dr. Appointments,  visiting the Easter Bunny and the list goes on and on. Did I mention both of my kids have been acting terrible this week? Ugh. Okay okay, enough complaining and onto some fun pictures.

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Since I knew Brandon was having a very busy week at work I decided to make him a really yummy dinner to come home to on Monday night to start his week off good. I found this recipe on Pinterest and it was AMAZING. Maple Pork Chops with Apples & Carrots with a side of Spinach Mashed Potatoes. Wow. There was pure silence at the dinner table. Yeah, that good! Did I mention the Mashed Potatoes are healthy? You make them with Greek Yogurt instead of butter and add in fresh chopped spinach. My kids LOVED them.

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The meal was delicious but required quite a bit of time to make. I’d like to say my kids played quietly while I was busy cooking but that just wasn’t the case. They were fighting, crying and just plain driving me nuts. In my desperate attempts to get dinner made I drug in the slide from outback to try and keep them occupied….

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Worked for a bit until they started going through the kitchen cabinets to find stuff to push down the slide….

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Well, the good new is that Brandon did in fact come home to a really awesome meal; the bad news is that the house was a wreck! Can’t have everything. Haha.

So what else happened this week?


The kids both got some new flip flops for the summer. Too cute right? I can never find any small enough for Autumn’s poor tiny feet. She picked them out and LOVES them!


I completed Autumn’s Easter skirt. A Pinterest find of course. I made this out of an Easter dish towel from Target. I love it! It took about 30 minutes from start to finish to complete. Even better!

Abigail came over on Wednesdays as usual.

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Unfortunately all 3 kids were in pretty crabby moods that day. Once they all woke up from their naps they were all continuously whining and driving me crazy, so I decided we could all use some fresh air.


First was a nice walk around the neighborhood. It was a really good idea in my head, but when I realized that I was pushing about 75+ pounds up a hill it wasn’t such a good idea anymore so we headed home and played out back.

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If you can’t make it out…Owen wrote Abi with a heart next to it. So cute!

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Love them to pieces!

Yesterday was a buy one. It started with a mall play day with Kaitlyn and Olivia while Owen was at school,


So precious. Olivia pushed Autumn in her stroller the entire time we were walking around the mall. She is so sweet.

After naps we headed to Autumn’s Appointment with the ENT (Ear Nose & Throat) Doctor.


It went about as well as I anticipated. We have been through this whole process 2.5 years ago with Owen so we already knew what to expect. They have to do a whole hearing test before they do her Ear Tube Surgery because they want to make sure they don’t puncture or damage her ear drums during the procedure. Well the hearing test and screening takes awhile and you have to sit very still and very quiet. Still and quiet are two words that Autumn is unfamiliar with so you can imagine how well that went. Plus we had Owen with us since we didn’t have a sitter for him so we were also trying to keep him quiet and entertained. Thanks so much for the iPad. Phew! Here is a little summary of the appointment:

They found lots of fluid build up in both her ears which means she has, yet again, ANOTER ear infection. This puts her at 6 in the past 6 months. Poor kid, right?!?! Needless to say the doctor handed her surgery paperwork to his assistant and asked her to put this on his Urgent Surgery list. The assistant is supposed to call me sometime today to schedule her Surgery for next Thursday or the following Thursday. Until then she has to take antibiotics everyday until the surgery since she is in so much pain & very off balance due to all the fluid in her ears. The poor girl is getting 4 teeth on top of it all so that explains why she has been so so so whiny and clingy this past week. I feel so bad for her and wish I could take it all away. As much as I hate the thought of putting her to sleep and having to go through a little surgery, I am very much anticipating the procedure so she is no longer in pain. It was the best decision we made when we had it done for Owen so I have no apprehensions about the decision to have it done for Autumn too!

So after the very long & draining 2 hour appointment, we headed home, ate a super quick dinner and headed off to the mall. We were meeting one of my Best Friends Melissa and her Family there so we could take all the kids to visit the Easter Bunny.

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(Here they are practicing their smiles before heading out.) Haha

Since Autumn screamed when we visit Santa a couple months back I had a pretty good idea of how it was going to go. Since I figured she was going to freak out I let Melissa’s kids go first so Autumn’s screaming didn’t freak little Aubryn out.

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Averie, Aubryn & Aiden. Bryn did really good. She was pretty curious and kept turning to check him out but she never shed a tear. What a beautiful family!

And here is how our session went…

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She immediately squirmed out of the Bunny’s arms. Not sure if I like Autumn’s face or the way Owen is looking at her more. We repositioned her on the Bunny’s lap and snapped a quick picture. So here is the official 2012 Easter Bunny Picture…

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Hahaha. I know this sound a bit mean but I LOVE IT! When I look back 10 years from now this will bring back such fun memories of who Autumn was at 20 months. Owen looks quite handsome if I must say. He is getting to be so grown up.

Once all the traumatizing was over, we all headed upstairs for a treat from Dairy Queen.

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Ice Cream always makes EVERYTHING better!

And here we are today. Day 7 of no days off with 3 more to go and pure exhaustion all around. So what did we do this morning? We headed to Hoot’s to meet some friends (Jess, Abby & Isaac) of course. On the way there I knew it probably wasn’t the best idea since the kids were both super grumpy but I thought it would be good to get us all out of the house for a bit.


Owen was so excited when I told him where we were going. We haven’t been to Hoot’s in a really long time. Probably like 10+ months.


So I didn’t take my camera because I figured I was going to be busy helping Autumn play on all the equipment so I wouldn’t have a free arm to take pictures. Well, as usual, Autumn’s determination got the best of her. She had to prove she could do everything all by herself! So of course I had to pull out my phone to snap a few pictures!


Not sure why it surprised me. She is such a stubborn & determined little girl. She had a BLAST going down this Giant Slide!



Sweet little Isaac was a little more timid than Autumn in the beginning but by the end he was running around having a blast.

Well, as suspected, my kids started melting down about 40 minutes after arriving. In my head I knew this was going to happen so I wasn’t too shocked. After fighting with them for about 20 minutes trying to see if we could get past the tantrums, we had to head home. Owen was doing fairly well, but poor Autumn is in so much pain and discomfort that she was one big melt down after melt down. O well, it was a blast while it lasted.

So here I am in a quiet house with the kids napping finding my self exhausted and typing away instead of dealing with the sticky dirty floors that need to be moped and the dirty dishes piled by the sink that really need to be cleaned. What can I say, I’m beat and need to vent. So thanks blog for listening to my very insignificant pity party I am having, you are always there when I need you.

Have a Great Weekend!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Busy Busy Busy…(Play Time, Outside Fun, B-day Parties and Family Time O’ my!)

Wow! We have been busy busy busy since since my last blog. Kind of seems to be the trend around here. The weather has been AMAZING and we have had so much going on. Since I have a million pictures to share I’ll skip the detailed blabbering that I tend to do. Okay, I’ll at least try.


Tuesday evening I was all set to watch my neighbor’s kids for a couple hours while she worked. Well, my sister somehow landed this really cool opportunity to go and audition for a small nursing role on the TV show Breaking Bad. How cool, right? Anyway, her Hubby was out of town for work so I stepped in to watch Abi while she went to her Audition. So with my two, my neighbors two and my niece I had 5 kids. It was actually a lot of fun and I somehow even managed to successfully feed all 5 dinner! You know, it’s the little accomplishments like these that bring me so much joy!

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Here are the 3 older kids patiently waiting for dinner while watching a show.

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The little ones weren’t as patient but I think it is mainly because of their ages. They want, and they need now!

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With 5 mouths to feed and only 2 hands I decided to keep it simple. Can’t go wrong with some good ole Mac ‘N’ Cheese!

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Thursday was nothing out of the ordinary. Gym, school, Errands, Grocery Shopping, Play Time, etc.

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Autumn sure loves her one on one time while Owen is at school.


Our routine while picking up Brother from school. Must rock in the rocking chairs. Both of us.

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Sibling Ring Around the Rosie's. Usually “we all fall down” turns into a big wrestling match instigated by Autumn. She is suck a rough girl.

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And this little girl has really found an interest in playing dress up! She is too funny with these Cowgirl Boots. These are actually Brandon’s old Cowboy boots from when he was a kid. So precious!

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No words are necessary!

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Since Autumn goes to bed about 45 minutes before Owen, Owen gets some much needed one on one time with Mommy and Daddy. Normally we play board games or do puzzles. On this night I decided to teach him the old card game ‘war’. He loved it and of course beat me the first game we played. Little stinker is just like his Dad. Love this special time with my boy!


Friday we pretty much spent the whole day outside…



Took both cars to the car wash since the upcoming week is supposed to be nice. The kids had a blast getting in on the drying action.


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That night we grilled steak and ate on the patio. After dinner the kids got to eat dessert and play outside until bedtime. It was such a beautiful evening.

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This girl would live in the sand box if she could. She even occasionally likes to taste the sand. Yucky!

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Saturday was a super busy day for me. I took the kids to a Birthday Party in the morning, came home kids napped while I crafted, went to teach my Sunday School class after naps, came home fed them dinner, got all dressed up and headed out for my Sister’s and my good friend Cammy’s (my sis’s BFF) 30th Birthday Celebration. It seemed like one thing after another but it was well worth it because we all had a blast the entire day!

Finnley celebrated her 3rd Birthday this weekend. The party was at her house and it was Princess themed. If you know Finnley you know the Princess theme was a MUST. She is princess obsessed. Snow White even attended the party. Unfortunately the party was right at my kids nap time so we didn’t get to stay long (just a quick 45 min) because that is when the ‘past nap’ meltdowns started. Haha. O well it was fun while it lasted but super bummed we missed Snow White.

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Here is the Birthday Princess with her amazing Princess cake her Aunt made her. Isn’t she adorable? I can not believe this girl is 3!?!?!

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Owen spent all his time jumping on the trampoline…

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and Autumn enjoyed driving the truck around and playing in the play house!

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Juice Boxes and Pizza. Yum Yum!

Once naps, church and dinner was over, Brandon got home from work and I was off to Celebrate my Sister and Cammy’s 30th Birthdays! Brandon was invited too but he decided to stay home with the kids instead of having to get a Babysitter. Thanks so much Hubby for allowing me a fun night out with some of my favorite ladies ever!!!

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Here are the fun B-day bouquets I made for the b-day girls. Haha. Thanks Pinterest for the fun idea. They turned into great centerpieces/snacks at the party! 

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The Party was at this really cool brand new restaurant called Vintage 423. It was super nice and the food was great! After eating we all headed to this nice lounge where the party took place. A lot of people showed up to help celebrate. My Sis and Cammy have so many wonderful friends. The party was a really really fun time!!! So fun I didn’t get home until very very late. First time that’s happened in years!

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The Beautiful Birthday girls all dressed up! Looking quite AMAZING at 30 ladies. Keep up the great work!!!!

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Kat, Me, Cammy and my Sis. LOVE LOVE LOVE these girls!

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Some had a bit more to drink than others but EVERYONE was responsible and no one who drank drove. Period!

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Top Row: Nicole, Me, Jenna, Debbie, Garrett, Alicia, Christy

Bottom Row: Jessica, Cammy and Kristen

What a FUN FUN FUN night! Happy Birthday Jessica & Cammy. I LOVE you both so very much and am so glad I got to be there to celebrate with you both. LOVE YOU!!!!


Sunday was an awesome awesome day! It started off with my sweet husband letting me sleep in until 9am! Yay. Thanks hubby your amazing! Then the kids and I got dressed, ran some errands and headed over to my parents. We had a showing on our house scheduled smack in the middle of nap time so my parents graciously let me take the kids to their house to let them nap. We headed over a little early so the kids could eat lunch there before napping. Well, my parents had Abigail over night so my sister could have the night to herself for her bday party and so she could sleep in. Anyway, the day turned into a fun filled Family day which we haven’t had in a really really long time. Me and my kids and my sister and Abigail hung out at my parents ALL DAY! It was so much fun. We should really try and have those days more often. Once Brandon got off work he met us over at my parents and ate an amazing dinner my parents cooked up for us; Spaghetti, Salad, Italian Bread with Pesto and a delicious Triple Chocolate Cake for dessert. I absolutely LOVE my family and am so very thankful for them all.

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Autumn had so much fun playing dress up with all of Great Grandma’s old jewelry. I know she looks like she is strangling herself but I promise she wasn’t and there were lots of adults close by monitoring.

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Owen LOVES playing on the computer at Nana & Pampo’s house!

The weather was gorgeous yesterday so we had to let the kids have some fun out back.

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They played on the swing set,

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they played soccer,

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they wore Pampo out,

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Owen pleaded a strong case on why they should have a water fight with the hose….but didn’t win.

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The girls enjoyed some suckers for their poor swollen gums.

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And they had a juice box picnic, while 

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Owen was still busy convincing of this water fight he so badly wanted, but ended up settling for an attempt at climbing the patio roof. Haha.

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When we finally talked the kids into coming inside they were hot, sticky and full of dirt. Needless to say they all started shedding clothing to cool down.

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And Pampo never, or maybe more like rarely, gets a break when the Grandkids are around. Its mainly because he can’t stand to say no to these kids!

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Please meet Dr. Autumn Burgess.

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By the end of the night we were all pooped and ready for bed.

Thanks again Mom & Dad for letting all of us invade and destroy your house for the day. It was a blast. Love you guys so so so so much!

What a super fun week/weekend we had. It’s gonna be hard to top that one for quite some time!

Thanks for stopping by to see what we have been up to. Have a great week!