Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Yesterday was quite the day. I took Owen to school and then took myself to the doctor. Yes, AGAIN! I tell you, the sickness in the Burgess household has been rough this fall. Anyway, after a nice dose of antibiotics I should be back to my old self in a couple days. After the doctors Autumn and I came home, did some laundry and we were back off to pick up Owen from school. My sister had a class for work so I had offered to watch Abi for her while she was at her class. She came over around noon so she could put Abi down for a nap. Well, my poor sister was not feeling well either, she woke up throwing up (just a side note, no she is not pregnant, just a stomach bug). Yucky. Anyway, she headed to her class around 1 and I had a peaceful house for an hour. At two all the kiddos woke up and poor abi’s tummy was now not feeling well. Without going into details, lets just say I had quite the mess of a diaper/baby to clean up. Once I got her all cleaned up and situated the 3 kids and I headed out for Costco to pick up a few much needed household items. My sister got back around 4 and the two girls went back down for another nap. Since her Hubby was going out with some friends and mine volunteers at our Church on Tuesday nights we decided to hang out together until bedtime to let the cousins play. We gave the three a bath together, had a pj party and ordered pizza for dinner. It was a fun sight I am sure watching my sister and I try and watch 3 kids while we were both sick. We kind of laid there on the floor and let the kids have free reign of the house. Even though we were both sick we honestly had such a great time just hanging out and watching the 3 cousins bond. What an absolute blessing family is. Here are a few pictures from our day. Warning, the pictures are pretty terrible quality since I used my phone. Enjoy.


Here is my big cheese ball waiting patiently at the doctors with me. Her little personality kills me. She is so much fun!!!


Here are the kiddos at Costco. I can not even explain the amount of strange looks I get from people when I take these 3 to the store. I have to admit, I have got this 3 kids thing down to a science!



Cousin Bath Time.


My sweet precious niece. She is such a blessing to me. I am so very proud and honored to be her Auntie!


Just a note, Abi is not terrified in this picture, I accidentally caught her in the middle of a big yawn. My sister and I were cracking up at the face I got so I had to share it. Hahaha.


All clean and ready for bed!

Bonus Picture:


So this picture is from this morning, but it was too stinking cute not to share. This is a hand-me-down outfit from Olivia, isn’t it so precious.

Have a great rest of the week and I hope you are all staying healthy unlike us!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Go Broncos, Craft Party & Leftover Turkey…


First things first. Go BRONCOS!!!! They pulled out their 4th win in a row yesterday. They sure made things interesting by winning in overtime, but nonetheless a win is a win! Hooray, it’s Tebow Time!!!!!

Okay, so yesterday we (the kids and I) got invited to a fun Christmas Crafts party by one of my very dear friends Justine. Justine and I have known each other since the 6th grade; however, we have been really bad at keeping in touch over the past 4 years. Anyway, we have been talking a lot lately and decided it was about time we get together, plus she was dying to meet my kiddos. She hosted a mini Christmas Craft party at her house. Due to my kids much needed naps, we ended up getting to the party 2 hours late. O well, better late than never. There was another dear friend of mine, Sarah, at the party with her sweet little girl Chloe. Sarah and I have also known each other since the 6th grade so it was so so so nice to see those girls and catch up. Justine doesn’t have any kiddos yet, but she is amazing with kids and my kids just adored her. Since we got to the party so late we missed a lot of the crafts they did. They made some super cute ornaments and other neat things. We did make it just in time to make some delicious Oreo Cookie Pops. Yummy! Of course I forgot my camera so I snapped a couple pics on my phone before we left. Thanks again so much for having us over Justine. We all had a blast and I can not wait to see you again soon!


Here is Autumn and her new little friend Chloe. These two LOVED playing together. Chloe is 4 months older than Autumn and is absolutely adorable. These two colored their little hearts out.


When we weren’t making cookie pops, Owen kind of minded his own business playing Angry Birds on the iPad. He is so obsessed with games, wonder where he gets that from Daddy? Lol.


Here are some of the Cookie Pops the kids made. They took lollipop sticks, stuck them between the Oreos, dipped them in melted chocolate and them decorated them with sprinkles. They had so much fun making these and were on a massive sugar high from sampling things as they were making them. What a fun afternoon spent with some really good friends.

Today I decided I had to use up the leftover Turkey from Thanksgiving before it goes bad. I was going to make a Turkey Soup but decided against it since we have been eating a lot of soup lately. After lots of thinking I decided why not make a Turkey Pot Pie. Good thing I have the best helpers to assist me…


I really need to invest in a second step stool because these two sharing one stool could have been a major disaster. Good thing they were so well behaved today. Lol. They both love to cook!


And there you have it. Leftover Turkey Pot Pies. Can’t wait to bake them up for dinner tonight and one to go in the freezer for later.

What do you all do with your leftover Turkey?? I’d love some ideas for next year!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Mimi’s Visit Last Week & Other Fun Stuff

As you all know, Mimi (Brandon’s Mom) came to visit for Thanksgiving. She got in Friday the 19th and left Friday the 25th. We have not seen her since July so we were all very much anticipating her trip here. It was so nice having her here for the week. I can’t lie, the extra set of hands around the house, especially while Autumn was sick, was truly a blessing to me! I even got to get ready the other morning from start to finish with no kids running around screaming for my attention. Hooray!

Well, with the busyness of the season and a sick kid we really did not get out and do anything too over the top exciting. We celebrated my birthday, ran lots of errands, did lots of Thanksgiving grocery shopping, went to the mall play area, a short park outing, took Owen to school and so on. Nonetheless it was so nice to just be able to spend some quality time with Mimi. We are so blessed to have such amazing involved Grandparents in our kids lives. Thanks again so much for coming down Mimi, we miss you so much already! Here are some pictures from our week with Mimi…

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Since Mimi is a 2nd grade teacher, she was dying to go with me to drop Owen off at school last Tuesday so she could see his new school. Owen had no problem showing her around and explaining step by step how the morning goes. Here is Owen waiting for school to start outside with his good friend Cora. These two love showing off what they brought for Show and Tell before school starts. Too cute!

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Owen explained how he walks in his class and finds his name on the floor and puts it in the folder on the wall to take attendance.

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Since I don’t really have pictures of him in his class room I was glad to have Mimi there to snap some fun memories!

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In his class, each student has their very own journal that they work on throughout the entire school year. I took a peek in Owens and I was super impressed with how well his handwriting is. He is growing up way way way too fast!

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Ms. Frances, Owen and his friend Amandamae.

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Autumn’s favorite part of dropping brother off at school is sitting in the mini rocking chair in the library area. Little cutie!

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While Owen was at school, Autumn and Mimi played baby dolls.

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Throughout the week, there was lots of lovin…

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lots of games played (yhatzee jr. was one of the favorites)….

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and lots of yummy food was cooked (sweet potato sausage soup). I saved this recipe to try while Mini was here because she LOVES sweet potatoes! It was quite delish and so simple to make.

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Brandon and Owen went out one afternoon to finish hanging up the outside Christmas lights so Autumn, Mimi and I stayed inside to play. Occasionally Owen would come up to the window in the play room to talk to Autumn. It was so cute, they were both cracking up!

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One afternoon we decided to take the kids to the park. It looked warm out but once we got there it got pretty cold and windy. We didn’t stay long but the kids enjoyed the time outdoors while it lasted.

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Now that is one very proud Mimi!!!

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These two little monkey’s are so much fun! The had a blast showing off for Mimi!


Did I mention Brandon and I even got to sneak away for a nice date night? Thanks again Mimi for allowing us to have a nice evening to our self! Here we are all ready for a nice date. They have been few and far between lately.


We went to this really nice restaurant on the Santa Ana Golf Course called Prairie Star. Wow is all I can say! The food was absolutely amazing, hints the empty dessert plate, the atmosphere was beautiful and the prices were great too! We will definitely be going back there again I can tell you that for sure!

On Friday afternoon we all had to wipe away our tears and say goodbye to Mimi. I can not believe how fast the week went by. That night we went over to my parents to also say goodbye to my Aunt JoAnn and Uncle Bob who were heading back home to Nevada on Saturday morning. I hate goodbyes, they are always so hard.


Here is Owen having computer time at Nana and Pampos. He is obsessed with the computer. We really have to limit him or he’d be on it all day!


This little missy has to sit down with Nana every time we go over to look at her photo albums. She also enjoys dragging my purse all over the house and calls it her “backpack”. She is such a little stinker, look at that face she is giving me when I asked her to bring my purse back. Hahaha.


Two of my favorite new things with Autumn, 1) I can finally put her hair  in full pig tails (so so so adorable) and 2) She can finally say “cheese” and smile for the camera. She melts my heart!


And here we are on Sunday with a quite house and no more company. So so sad. Come back soon Mimi!

O yeah, and GO BRONCOS!!!!!!!

Have a great week!