Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tutu’s, Bow’s & Sewing O My!

So in an attempt to find a hobby I could enjoy, I stumbled upon three new hobby’s. As I am sure you remember from a post awhile back I had started making Tutu’s and Bow’s. I started the bow making mainly because Autumn always has a bow in her hair and I was breaking the bank buying them all the time. I also started making Tutu’s because I really wanted to take Autumn’s 6 month pictures in one and realized that they too are also very pricy. Well 5 of Owen’s little friends had birthdays in March and I figured what a perfect gift, Tutu’s and Bows. Needless to say I have been very busy making them as Birthday gifts for all of Owen’s little girl friends (not girlfriends, friends that are girls). I don’t have pictures of all of the Tutu’s and Bows that I have made over the past couple months but these are a couple.

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I also decided to make bow hangers for the bows. It doubles as a cute wall decoration for a little girls bed or bath room.

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If you have been following my Blog since February of last year, you would know that I took a sewing class. My wonderful husband got me a sewing machine for Christmas of 2009 because sewing is something I have always wanted to learn how to do. Well in my sewing class I made a small handbag and some comfy pajama pants. I have also done some minor sewing stuff here and there since then like making burp cloths, hemming pants (because I am a midget and everything is way too long for me) and taking clothes in. Then as you all know in July I had my second child and poof my sewing attempts got shoved to the back burner because I just simply had no time for it! Here we are 8 months later and I decided to dust off the poor old sewing machine and get started on a new project. I have been dying to get some curtains for my house for the past 4.5 years so I decided to try and make them. Well, with no real sewing experience and no pattern to go off of, I went to the fabric store and came home with a few piles of fabric and lots of thread. My very supportive husband cheered me on, while I really had no clue what I was doing, even though I think he secretly thought I was in way over my head. Well friends, I did it! Yay! I officially have curtains up in my Kitchen and Dinning Room. Though there are some things I would do differently on the next ones, I think they came out pretty darn good for little sewing experience and no pattern to work off of. Okay, I know all everyone really wants are the pictures and for me to quit rambling on and on so here you go…..


Kitchen Window.

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Stay tuned, I am working on Brandon and I’s bedroom next. I just need to wait for my 50% off coupon at JoAnn’s Fabric to start, April 3rd, Woo Hoo! The Living Room and Family Room are next in line after that. Really I am not trying to brag, I am just very excited, as is my husband, that I am finally putting my nice sewing machine to use 1.5 years later!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Finnley’s Birthday Party & Sick Kids

Sunday afternoon was Finnley’s 2nd Birthday Party. Finnley is my very good friend, Leanne’s, daughter. They also live directly across the street from us. Convenient, I know! The party was smack in the middle of nap time for my two kids so I had my mom come over to hang out while Autumn was napping and Owen and I attended the party. Owen is a little more flexible with naps now that he is older where as Autumn would have been a miserable mess if I made her skip her nap. It worked out great and Owen and I had some fun one on one time. Here are some pictures from the party, of course I forgot my camera so my cell phone pics are gonna have to do. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FINNLEY, we love you!

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Finnley’s parents got her this awesome jumper/slide for her Birthday. The kids had an absolute BLAST on it. Finnleys Bday Party 2011 044

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They also had this awesome giant inflatable ball that you could get in and roll around. The Left pic is Owen and Finnley pushing Linkin (Finnley’s older brother) in it and the Right picture is Owen inside it rolling around. This was also a huge hit! If I wasn’t wearing a skirt that day I may have crawled inside myself. Lol.

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The Birthday Girl! The tutu she is wearing was part of the gift we brought her. I have a tutu making addiction! She loved it and wore it for the rest of her party.

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Cupcake time and hanging with his best bud Linkin!

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The 3 Amigos: Miller, Owen and Linkin. Miller is Linkins cousin. Miller and Linkin are both 3 1/2 (7 months older than Owen). Boy do these boys get along great. They had so much fun with each other.

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And here is my spunky little girl that I got to come home to. She is so stinkin cute!


Do you know what is worse than having a sick kid? Having 2 sick kids! You guessed it, my kids are sick! Monday was a no good day in the Burgess house. Owen had a little fever a few days last week and then it went away. Well, Monday morning he still had no fever but he woke up with this really nasty cough, mix in the nasty allergies he is already battling and he is one miserable little guy. Poor thing sounds like he is coughing up his lungs every time he coughs. He even made himself throw up yesterday from a coughing attack he had. Autumn on the other hand has a fever of about 102 since yesterday morning. She got zero hours of sleep last night and Tylenol & ibuprofen are not breaking the fever so I am taking her to the doc this afternoon. She cries non stop and is just plain miserable, as am I since I got zero hours of sleep last night as well. Please Pray for health for the Burgess kiddos!

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Sick Autumn who is attached to me 24/7.

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I made Owen a really bubbly bubble bath to help him feel better. Poor guy really wasn’t feeling good cause after I filled the water super high and turned the jets on to make the water supper sudsy he looked up at me and said, “Mommy I just want to get out and go lay down.” I can’t win for loosing sometimes. O we'll, I tried!


And he meant exactly what he said. Poor kid!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mimi’s Spring Break Visit…

 It was such a treat to have Mimi here for the week, and boy o boy did we have fun. Owen and Autumn loved having her around to play with and I sure loved having someone around during the days to chat with other than my wonderful toddler conversations I get on a daily basis!
Since it was a really yucky week with all the New Mexico wind we did about 50/50 indoor and outdoor activities. Here is a recap of the week.
Wednesday was super windy so Mimi and Owen decided to do some coloring. Autumn watched from her high chair as I was feeding her.
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After coloring, Autumn went down for her early evening nap and the windy died down for a brief second so Mimi and I quickly rushed Owen outside to take advantage of the fresh air. He had so much fun showing Mimi how well he can ride his tricycle now. All the neighborhood kids were out soaking up the nice weather too so his good friends Aiden and Averie came down to ride their scooters with him.
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Mimi's trip.March 2011 024
Mimi’s trips to NM are never complete without a trip to the Flying Star for Dinner. So later that same evening when Daddy got home from work we headed out for dinner. The food was delicious and both kids were so well behaved!

On Thursdays at Roller Skate City they have Pixie Skating for children 2-6 with instructors there to teach young children how to Roller Skate. Since the weather was a bit yucky we decided to take Owen for his first introduction to Roller Skating while Mimi was here to watch him.
Putting on his sweet Roller Skates. Aren’t they the cutest things ever?
Well, it started off a bit rocky. They only skates they had for him were brand new so they were super slippery. Poor guy was terrified and so nervous since he really had no clue what he was doing. He would not let go of Brandon and I’s hand and he was crying so hard. In his defense he has a little cold and a low grade temperature so he wasn’t feeling super well to begin with. We almost left because he was so scared but we decided to stay so he could at least watch all the other kids.
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After a ton of convincing, we finally got him to give it a shot and hold Nina’s hand (one of the skate instructors) for her to take him out skating. It didn’t last long with Nina since he was a bit apprehensive so he let me help him instead.
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Im so glad we stuck it out and let him warm up because by the end he was skating all by himself!!!! He wouldn’t go out on the rink to skate, just on the carpet, but the instructors said almost all kids learn on the carpet and then move on to the rink once they get the hang of it since it is much slicker. The picture on the right is Owen and Brandon doing the Chicken Dance, Owen’s new favorite dance thanks to Skate City. I am so proud of my brave determined little boy!
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We all enjoyed watching Owen skate, especially little Autumn!
Later that evening we all decided to soak up the tiny bit of non-windy weather by playing out in the backyard while Daddy was grilling up some pork chops for dinner.

The next morning while Owen and Daddy were at the gym, Mimi and I decided to give Autumn a nice relaxing bath. She had a blast having all the attention on her and her alone! What a little diva!
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My little stinker!
And later that morning we had another preschool tour. Since Mimi is a teacher we thought it would be an excellent idea to bring her with us since she knows all the good important questions to ask.
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And since Mimi was here we had lots of photos taken of us. Here we are all ready to head off to a potential preschool for Owen!
Thank you so much Mimi for taking the time during your Spring Break to come visit. We loved having you and you are such a blessing to our family. LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU ALREADY!!!!!!!!