Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Wow, where does the time go? Three years ago today, Brandon and I got married. We had such an awesome anniversary celebration! Owen went and had his first sleepover at Nana & Pampo's house. We are so fortunate to have my parents who live so close. Brandon and I dropped Owen off at 2:00pm on Monday and picked him up at 1:30pm on Tuesday. Yes exactly 23.5 hours and boy did I miss him. I do however have to say to all you parents out there that you definitely need the one on one time with your spouse every once in a while! You tend to neglect each other when there is another little body in your house running around getting into all your stuff. Anyway, back to our day spent together. Brandon and I started the day off with a couples message at a local day spa. After our wonderful treatments, we came home got all fancied up and went out to a fabulous new restaurant about 2 miles from our house. The meal was hands down the BEST meal either of us have ever had. After that we rented a movie and went home. We put our Jammie's on, cuddled on the couch, and drank the remainder of our bottle of wine from the restaurant and watched a movie. It was so nice to have a night with my husband who I am so fortunate to have met! Three years in and I still get goosebumps every time he kisses me just like the very first time! I love you Brandon!!!! Here we are right before we headed off to the day spa! Yes I have no make-up and look pretty nasty, but my husband still loves me.Here we are at our wonderful dinner. If anyone lives in Rio Rancho, you MUST try the Black Olive Wine Bar & Grill. It just opened last week and is the best restaurant EVER!!!!!!A delightful end to a delightful day!

Owen's Sleepover!!!!

My parents gave Brandon and I the best Anniversary gift ever! A night alone with just the two of us. Owen went to stay the night at his Nana & Pampo's house this past Monday night. I am pretty sure he didn't care since he was shoving Brandon and I out the door of my parents house when we dropped him off. He had such a blast! I on the other hand was going a little crazy missing him, but all in all it was very nice to have some alone time with my wonderful husband of 3 Years now! Wow time flies. Brandon was making fun of me because I kept sneaking in Owen's room to smell his blanky that he left at home, I know I am crazy but all you mommies understand! Right? Anyway, here are a few pics...

Here is Owen getting ready to leave the house for his sleepover. Okay, I know this is a huge suitcase for one night but I swear it was only half full. It is the smallest suitcase we have!

Owen was really into this suitcase!

Here he is when we dropped him off at Nana & Pampo's. He is obsessed with putting every one's shoes on. He thinks it is hilarious!!!!

A family reunited after 23.5 hours! Wow, who knew you could miss someone that much in that short of a time period. Parenting really makes you a little crazy!!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Zoo

Yesterday was such a beautiful day in ABQ so Jess and I decided to take the kids to the zoo. As usual they had a great time. We had a picnic in the grass, well the mom's did and the kids ran around, then we went off to see the animals. Of all the animals we saw yesterday, Owen & Abby loved the Polar Bears. Just like Mommy, that was always my favorite animal. Owen was waving to them telling them, "Hi, I love you". So cute. There are some great pics of the kids yesterday so I compiled them into a slide show. It includes Owen and Abby playing tug-o-war with a sippy cup, which they found very hilarious. Also, Abby warning Owen not to touch the cactus by telling him OUCH repeatedly, yes she learned by experience. And last but not least Owen and Abby kissing. Sorry Dad's there is no stopping these two.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Peeling Chile

Every year Brandon, Me and my parents all go in together and buy a huge box of Chile to split. We buy it Pre roasted and then we have a get together and make green Chile stew while we peel the Chile we bought. This past Sunday was our get together to peel Chile! Unfortunately I spent the whole day in the ER so it didn't quite go like it normally does. No worries, I am doing fine. It was very minor. I had two pretty large cysts on my ovaries that ruptured. Cysts are very normal in women, mine just unfortunately got bigger than normal and burst. All they can really do for you is put you on bed rest for a couple days and give you some pain meds. Well needless to say, Brandon played Mr. Mom the past couple days, and of course Owen had a blast with his Daddy. Anyway, the Chile peeling still had to go on since we had bought it the day before. If you don't peel it and freeze it right away it will go bad. My Dad and Brandon made excellent Chile peelers. While my poor mom was stuck taking care of me and Owen. Yummy, nice roasted unpeeled Chile

Here are the guys peeling Chile and watching football. What more could a guy want?Seriously, look how happy they are.Here is the nice peeled Chile.

And here is poor sick Mommy on bed rest with her little sweetie pie. Owen did a great job hepling Nana take care of me. I think kids really know when your not feeling good cause he was so sweet and cuddled with me which is not very normal but I loved it.

Chocolate Pudding Dessert

After dinner a few nights ago Owen got some chocolate pudding as dessert. His face was too cute so I decided to blog about his reaction. I think his face pretty much says how he felt about it...

Here he is pondering weather or not he liked it...Okay the verdict is in, he LOVED it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Casting Crowns Concert

Last night, Brandon & I went to the Casting Crowns concert with a couple of our friends. It was nice to have a night away without Owen. He couldn't have cared less that we were even gone since we left him at home with Nana and Pampo. I think he practically pushed us out the door waving and saying "buh-bye". Yes, we can feel the love. Casting Crowns is one of Brandon and I's favorite christian bands and they were even better live! Matt Redman opened for them and wow he was awesome too! We will definitely go see them again. Here are a couple pic's of the concert.

We will first start off with a picture of what we left at home. Here is Owen playing with Nana when we left. O' yes, he wasn't quite satisfied playing outside of his toy box so Nana decided to just put him in it. And we wonder why he likes them more...

They are seriously such an amazing band. If anyone is looking for some good wholesome music you should check them out!

Us & Our Friends @ the Concert...

Here are a few pic's of us and our friends at the Casting Crown's concert. We had a blast...
Brittany & TravisCollette, Zack & PaulMe & the ladies; Brittany, Me & ColletteReally, I have nothing to say about these two...I am pretty sure the picture says it all.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Owen & Abby's Movie Date...

Last night Brandon and I had the pleasure of Babysitting Miss Abby. We knew she would have a blast and no separation anxiety since her and Owen are together every week. Even though they fight, they really do LOVE being around each other! Brandon and I let the kids play for a bit after dinner and then we took them on a walk around the neighborhood and let them eat Popsicles. Once we got home, there was about 20 minutes until bedtime so we put them in their Jammie's and put on a movie for them. I pulled out Owen's timeout chair from the corner and his Handy Manny chair and they sat in them to watch Toy Story. They loved the movie and looked so adorable. I felt like I should have served them a bowl of popcorn! Here are a few pics of the cuties on their date...

At one point, Owen reached over to hold Abby's hand during the movie! OMG, it was too darn cute!!!!!

Here they are about 10 minutes into the movie. There attention spans are still lacking a little.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Play Day @ Abby's House

Yesterday we had our weekly play day over at Abby's house for a change. Owen had lots of fun in a new environment and with a whole new assortment of toys to play with. O' yea and did I mention Abby has a slide and a sand box? We almost bought Owen a sand box for his 1st Birthday and I am very glad we didn't. Owen spent the whole time shoveling hand full of sand into his mouth. It was so nasty but he apparently loved it because after every hand full he would look at me with a smile and say "Yum, ma-ma". Yuck! Here are a few pics from our day.

Isn't her curly blond hair so adorable? Love you Abby.

Owen thought the top of the sand box was a great seat. Such a silly boy.

Here they go again, fighting over how the lid should go. These two just can't agree! They are going to be "fine" two year olds.

Here is Abby and Owen taking a little break from playing to have a nice drink in her adorable little chairs.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

1st Chick-fil-A Balloon...

Yesterday Chick-Fil-A was giving away free Chicken Sandwiches for labor day if you wore any type of sports apparel. That just happens to be our favorite fast food restaurant, so of course the Burgess' family was there all dressed up in our Broncos apparel! GO BRONCOS! Anyway, while we were there the very nice workers gave Owen a pretty blue balloon. Owen was so excited and carried his balloon around everywhere he went yesterday. It was so cute watching how much he loved his new toy.

This is Owen's new favorite thing to do. He will stand there for hours looking out our living room window. And of course, yesterday his balloon joined him.

Crayons & Coloring....

The other day Owen's Grandma brought him over a new toy, toddler crayons. They are round shaped made to fit right into the palm of a toddlers hand for easy grasping. Owen tried them out the other day and made a beautiful scribble picture to take to Daddy at work that afternoon. He had fun coloring/scribbling but we still need to work on keeping the crayons out of his mouth. Wow, what is this?

Do you think Daddy will like the picture I drew him Mommy?His final master piece!

Thanks Auntie Megan & Uncle Dan.....

Thanks Auntie Megan and Uncle Dan! I finally grew into my overalls you got me for my B-Day and I Love Them!!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Chocolate Puddin' Finger Paintin'....

This week at our weekly Play Day, us Mommies decided to be very brave and let the kiddo's Finger Paint with Chocolate pudding in the backyard. It turned out being My Owen, Abby and another Owen, and all three of them are within 6 weeks of each other age wise. So, needless to say, they had a blast today, and wore the heck out of each other! It cracks me up how different they all are. For example; Abby loved the finger painting, while my Owen was much more into eating the pudding and the other Owen was so terrified of getting his hands messy. So funny! So after the finger painting mess we decided to hose them off which turned into another whole fiasco! They had so much fun playing with the hose. Again so much differently; Abby just wanted to fill the bowls and buckets with the water, while my Owen just wanted to splash around in it and drink it, and the other Owen just wanted to be in charge of the hose without getting wet! After that fun, the other Owen had to go home for a much needed nap while Owen and Abby went indoors to finish their day of fun. Abby was very into hugging and wrestling with Owen. It was pretty hilarious. I swear they are such a handful when they get together, but we love it!!!! Please enjoy the slide show of pictures from our fun filled day.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Lending a helping hand....or not

So I know most of you are a little traumatized by my dead fish post, but I promise this is much more mellow.....
Wednesday in the Burgess household is laundry day. Well Owen has just decided that he would like to start lending Mommy a helping hand with the household chores. Okay well at least he thinks he his helping. Anyway I put a basket of clean laundry in the family room and went to the laundry room to switch out the next couple loads and this is what I found when I went to fold my towels....

You seriously got to give him credit for problem solving. "If I can't reach it, I will just climb in after it."

"What Mommy? I was just trying to help!" Ahhhh, that face gets me every time. Do you like the orange star toy he put in the empty laundry basket?