Saturday, May 30, 2009

Owen at his Cousin Rachel's Wedding...

Today Owen and I went to my cousin Rachel's wedding. The ceremony was beautiful but of course I was stuck watching the whole thing from the nursery because Owen's attention span is 2 seconds and he can't sit still. My cousin looked gorgeous, but unfortunately I wasn't able to snag the bride aside to snap a picture of her. I did however have Owen all dressed up so I decided to take a few pictures for you all to see. Hope you enjoy...
Here is Owen sitting with his Pampo(Grandpa Lujan) waiting for the ceremony to begin.
Here is a picture of My Mom and Owen's cousin Alicia who is 5 weeks older than him, isn't she adorable!!!
Owen and his Grandma at the reception. How cute!
This was too cute! Alicia was giving Owen a kiss on his cheek.
Saying goodbye can be a hard thing to do. Here is an adorable pic of Owen and Alicia giving kisses goodbye! I know they are cousins, but it is still adorable!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Owen's 1st Birthday...

For Owen's 1st Birthday, Brandon and I threw him a huge Birthday party. It was an all out sports theme party. It was supposed to be an outdoor pool party and BBQ since we bought him a pool for his Birthday, but of course it ended up raining all weekend, so we had to resort to plan B. We ended up rearranging our living room furniture and setting up tables in their for people to eat since we were expecting 30 adults and 8 children. As for the kids we ended up blowing up his pool in our family room and filling it with 300 balls for the kids to jump around and play in. It worked great and all the kids seemed to have a lot of fun. All in all the party turned out great! We are so thankful to have such wonderful friends and family to celebrate such an awesome day with us. We are now officially parents of a TODDLER!!!! Ahhhh.....
Here are the party favor boxes for all of Owen's friends that came to celebrate his Birthday with him.

Our kitchen filled with friends, family, decorations and of course food...

Here is our living room with two 6' tables set up for people to eat.

Abby and Owen playing in his pool with his Auntie Jess.

Averie and Owen playing!

Everyone always looks forward to the destruction of the cake at a 1 year old Birthday party. Well, Owen did not let anyone down. After throwing the entire cake on the floor, frosting side down, he proceeded to pick the entire cake up and give it a giant hug. It was so hilarious to watch. Owen along with my carpet was one big mess of frosting!!!
Here is the baseball cake I made for Owen to destroy.
Here we are singing "Happy Birthday" to the b-day boy, you can also see the baseball and basket ball cupcakes I slaved over!
Owen loves to clap for himself when people are cheering for him. He is so funny.
He had no problem figuring out what to do with the cake. He loved it!!!
Owen stuffing his mouth full of cake. Talk about a sugar high!!!

Here are a few pictures of Owen opening up his Birthday presents. As usual, he received way too much, but he loved them all. His attention span is about 2-5 minuets long, so daddy was left opening most of the gifts by himself while Owen was off playing. Thanks again everyone for all the wonderful gifts....
Owen received way too many presents!!!Daddy helping Owen open his gifts, so cute...
Owen is diving towards his new Elmo stuffed animal, Thanks Auntie Jess, Elmo is Owen's favorite!!!!
Investigating his new Elm

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


So I know what it looks like. Most of you are probably thinking I got some kind of terrible bug bite; however, that is not what happened at all! The bite actually came from my beautiful sweet baby Owen. Yes you heard me correctly, Owen actually pierced my skin with his teeth. If you look close enough in the second picture you can actually see his teeth marks. I am still not sure what provoked the bite, but I can tell you that he bites EVERYTHING!! Wells it sounds like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree according to my Mother and Mother-In-Law, apparently Brandon and I were both terrible bitters as children. The question now is how do we break him of this really bad habit? Any advice? His crib is now turning into shreds of wood. Help!!!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rachel's Bachelorette Party!!!

Last night was a good friend of mine, Rachel's, Bachelorette Party. She got engaged a year ago and it is hard to believe her wedding is in just 3 weeks. Where does time go? Since most of us won't be able to make it out to her wedding in Kansas City we did get to throw her a fun Bachelorette Party. It was a fun night of Food, Drinks and Dancing. Good luck on your upcoming Wedding Rachel! Here are a few pictures from our night...
Starting on the left; Becky, Jessica, Coleen, Kaitlyn, Marcy, Katie
and on the right; Leah, Me, Leah, Rachel (Bride-to-be), and Rachel
All of us ladies making a toast to the Bride-to-Be!
Jessica, Rachel (Bride-to-be) and Leah
Kaitlyn, Me, Jessica, Rachel (Bride-to-be), Leah, Katie, and Leah

Rachel (Bride-to-be) Jessica, Me and Leah

Friday, May 15, 2009

Play Group at the Park!

This week play group took a field trip to the Park. It was a very HOT day in Alb. so we decided to spend the day outdoors. We started off at Kaitlyn & Olivia's house and ate a delicious lunch, then we packed up all the strollers and walked over to the park in her neighborhood. The walk there was great; however, the walk back home was very long and tiring since it was all up hill. The kids seemed to have a good time even with there poor red cheeks, summer is definitely on its way! Here are a few pictures from the park...Owen on the slide
Owen and Abby on the airplane
Abby on the slide
Olivia enjoyed laying out in the shade, what a cutie!!
Leah and her Nephew Kegan on the See Saw.

Monday, May 11, 2009

My very 1st Mother's Day!!!

Yesterday was my very 1st Mother's Day! It was very exciting since I had to wait almost a year for it to get here. Last year I was about ready to explode and wanted Owen OUT! I had a great day. In the morning we went to church and attended our good friends Matt and Kaitlyn's beautiful daughter's dedication. Then Owen and I went out to lunch with my family, which was delicious. Then, when Brandon got home from work we went out for a family walk in our neighborhood and can home and played Guitar Hero all night. We have become quite obsessed with that game. Here our a few pictures from yesterday...

Mother's Day Picture of Owen and I.

Owen playing with his fire engine before church.

The crazy trio!

I had to take a picture of my gifts from Owen and Brandon because I thought it was so sweet the Brandon actually took the time to wrap them instead of throwing them in a bag. God has blessed me with the BEST Husband and Son a mother could ever ask for!

Mother's Day Family Lunch...

For Mother's Day my family went to Bucca Di Beppo for a family lunch. Unfortunately Brandon had to work so he wasn't able to make it. It was very packed and crazy, but quite delicious. Owen on the other hand is no longer very easy to take out to eat. His attention span is very short so he only really enjoyed it through the appetizer stage, after that he was very cranky and all over the place. Luckily he loves his Grandpa Lujan who was a huge help since Brandon wasn't there...
Here is my family! Papa and Mama Lujan and Bro-in-law Chris and My sis Jessica.
Owen loves his Grandpo Lujan more than anyone else. He has gotten so attached to him that he cries when I take him from him. It makes Grandpo really happy and Mommy really sad :(
Owen with his very proud Grandparents!
Auntie Jessica, Owen and Mommy!
We let Owen down on the floor to stretch his legs a bit cause he was getting extremely tired of sitting in the high chair. This is him going through his Auntie's purse.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Owen's 1st B-Day Celebration in CO...

So last week Owen and I decided to be very courageous and take our first road trip without Brandon to go visit all his family up in Colorado. Luckily a friend of mine let me borrow her DVD player for the car ride. It was a huge life saver, Owen watched his Elmo DVD about 4 times on the trip up and another 4 on the way back. Owen had such a fun time with all his family, although he was getting a little frustrated since most of the houses we stayed at weren't "Owen Proofed" he heard the phrase "No Owen don't touch that" a little too often! While we were there Brandon's very generous family decided to have Owen a first Birthday party since they won't be able to come down for his actual Birthday in a few weeks :(. Owen was very spoiled and got so many fun toys and a much needed new summer wardrobe. The trip was very worth it! Owen is such a lucky little boy to get two 1st Birthday parties! Check back in a couple weeks for his actual 1st Birthday Party!
Owen sitting on Papa Nicks lap playing with his balloon bouquet.
Best Picture EVER of Owen and Grammy Becky!
Owen loved for me to read his Birthday cards to him since they reminded him of books, which are Owen's favorite things to play with. He has me read to him all day long.
Owen LOVED his new Fire Truck that his Tia Rose gave him.

Birthday Cake Mess!!!

What would a 1st Birthday Party be without the destruction of a Cake? Owen's Great Grandma was very sweet and made Owen a delicious homemade Birthday cake for his Birthday celebration. Needless to say, Owen absolutely LOVED IT!!!! No need to explain myself the pictures say it all...
Owen really enjoyed clapping for himself with sticky icing fingers.
He is such a character...
Owen had a blast feeding GG and Tia Bev some of his cake. What a sweet boy sharing.