Monday, March 10, 2008

Only nine more weeks to go. . . .

Sorry for the lapse in postings, life has been real busy around the Burgess household. We want to give a heartfelt "THANK YOU" to all of our friends and family for the baby shower gifts. I'm sure everyone parent says this but, with all the cute outfits our little guy received, he will be the cutest baby on the block.

With the help of one of our friends in our small group from church Vanessa was able to get additional 3d ultrasound pictures. Hope you enjoy the pictures and its amazing that we get this "sneak peak" at our blessing.

We have started the birthing classes as we get closer. Last week was our first class and we were initiated with the "VIDEO," you all know which one I am talking about. We look forward to the three remaing classes to learn and educate ourselves on making Vanessa's labor as painfree and easy as possible.

We will try to add more blogs soon, and don't forget to check out our new poll. Thanks to all those who voted on the name and you will all find out in the upcoming weeks.